

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Month 1

- Milk came in on day 4 and would choke her (still does some times)
- Slept in her pack n play for 2 1/2 consecutive hours on night 3 at home  and 3 hours on night 4 at home (5 days old). She would either sleep with me in the bed or on the couch during the other times. Occasionally she would stay in the swing, but no longer than 20-30 minutes.
- I was very emotional the first few days at home. Very.
- In hospital she started going 3 hours between feedings and sometimes 4 at night.
- Went to the pediatrician the Wednesday after she was born. Of course it was right when she needed to eat again and she was being stripped and touched so she wailed. She is still 7lb 11oz (her weight when we left the hospital). Her complexion and heart and lungs are great. Her hematoma on her head is looking better and should go away completely. Her umbilical cord has a vein that bleeds a lot. He said he was going to do something to make that stop and it ended up making it bleed worse!
- She loves her car seat! She really loves riding in the car and looking out the window (most of the time). She doesn't love getting the straps tightened.
- Meme stayed for the first 4 days and lolly and papa came for the next 4 days.
- Mama's whole family came to see her on her one week birthday and she was a champ at being passed around (especially from cousin to cousin). Everyone loves her, obviously.
- Umbilical cord fell of at 1 week. Hallelujah! It stunk...seriously. It left an umbilical granuloma. Still waiting on that to go away.
- Goal for week 1: sleep away from mama for 1 sleep cycle. Goal for week 2: try 2 sleep cycles. At one month, we aren't doing so good with these goals...
- Newborn photos and her first bottle from daddy at 10 days old.
- As of 12/3 she had projectile spit up twice. Once after BBQ chicken and after chicken artichoke pasta. (I have no idea if it's really food related...)
- Sometimes she doesn't nurse from the left side and when she does it's a much shorter period than the right, so I pumped the left a few times. I got 4oz in 10 minutes. I only pumped once in the morning and she nursed the rest of the day just fine. (I only did this twice.)
- She loves to hold up her head all the time when she's awake.
- Has to burp after eating.
- at 2 weeks she sleeps from 12ish-4ish and 5ish-8ish in her nap nanny.
- At one month it's the same time frame, but with mama..Uhg.
- Has had days where she is just fussy if she's awake. She doesn't seem to be pooping if she's super fussy so I'm guessing it's related. Nobody likes it.
- I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight by 2 weeks, and all swelling was down by 1 1/2 weeks.
- At 3 week appointment she was up to 9lb 7oz and 21 in! The doc was impressed with how well she's eating and talked about how strong she is! The hematoma on her head is still there, but much smaller! She had an umbilical granuloma left on her belly button that he put silver nitrate on and said it should be gone in a week (it wasn't).
- At 3 weeks we started gas drops after afternoon and evening feedings to see if it helped with the "witching hour" and uncomfortableness.
- She loves to be cheek to cheek. Sometimes she will just rub her face against my face.
- Wears 0-3 and some 3 month clothes.
- Had her first blow out poopy diaper at 3.5 weeks. It was after having an ounce of pear juice because she was having troubles. (Cried every time she tried to poop and there might be a spot of "harder" poop in the diaper.)
- At 3 weeks 4 days she hit some sort of spurt. By her late afternoon feeding she wanted to eat between 1.5-2.5 hours instead of 3 and a couple of nights she ate every hour! She also only wanted to sleep with me. The longest she lasted by herself was an hour and she was grunting and fidgeting the entire time. She was extremely fussy and gassy. I read about a 3 week growth spurt and a friend suggested the app "the wonder weeks" which talked about a new leap that babies go through called "changing sensations". The description for this leap is exactly what was going on. (Praise the lord for these pieces of information because I was almost in shambles after 2 sleepless nights.) We are still currently trying to get out of this. She has gone back to eating at 2.5-3 hours during the day and 4 at night.
- She hates to be swaddled. Any tips on how to make her content in a swaddle are welcome.
- When I try to put her down, she startles herself awake. It's very frustrating. Tried to put her down in a swaddle and she grunted and fidgeted to get her arms free. When she couldn't, she wailed.
- First bath in the actual bath tub at 3.5 weeks.
- Hematoma was completely gone by 3.5 weeks!
- Nurses for 15-25 minutes. She usually does equal time on each side, but sometimes goes significantly longer on first side.
- She cannot/will not poop and nurse at the same time, and she poops almost every time.
- Spit up quite a bit after having a Cajun chicken sandwich for lunch and manicotti for dinner. She also ate extremely fast (it had been almost 6 hours).
- Newborn clothes and diapers are a no go. Sometimes we still force them on, but they are extremely tight.
- She scratched herself on her nose and it started bleeding. Saddest

My sweet Claire,

I am so thankful for you. You have challenged me and blessed me in ways that I can't even describe. You are so precious. Even when I am extremely tired and frustrated, I look at you or listen to your noises and all is right in my world. You are better than anything your daddy and I could have dreamed up. We can't wait to continue to watch you grow (and sleep), but we will miss all of these precious newborn snuggles. We love you baby girl. We love you with all of our hearts.


(The Hematoma)