

Sunday, October 26, 2014

35 Weeks

- 35 weeks on 10/23/14
- 35(ish) days to go!
- Went to Local Flavor in Eureka Springs! It was something on our "bucket list". It was well worth the 1.5 hour wait (that's a big deal for me to say). Andrew got the pork tenderloin and I got the pan seared tilapia. We both enjoyed a salad with garlic Parmesan dressing and ordered baked fudge with ice cream for dessert. To. Die. For. The only problem is that we weren't finished eating until close to 10. When we got home and went to bed my heartburn/acid reflux erupted. I'm currently up at 3:45am typing this because I'm too uncomfortable to sleep...still worth it!
- Tailgated at the Carter's for the UofA vs. Georgia game. We ordered pizza and roasted s'mores after the game. I was up with allergies all night. I'm totally prepared to be up all night with my girl now...right?
- Went to Rhea Lana's (again). I got a winter sweater, keds, car seat pad, changing pad liners, Madela bottles with nipples, 12month shoes, and a dress for $35. 
- We had maternity/family pics made with Kelsey Tice! I can't wait to see them!
- She's doing this new thing where she really nestles down into my pelvis. She gets super squirmy and there's a lot of pressure for about a minute and then she gets cozy and stops. 
- Insomnia. That's all I need to say. 
- We had an appointment with Dr. Hinton! Haven't seen her in a looooong time and I've missed her (because she's awesome)! 
- Claire's heart rate was 150/151.
- My belly is measuring right on track. 
- I have a bad yeast infection and have to take an antibiotic. TMI..
- She is for sure head down!
- Direct quote from Dr, "I think this baby is just fine to come whenever she is ready!" How am I already to the point where the doc can say that?!
- I've had some uncomfortable back pain and cramping. Nothing major and nothing consistent. 
- At birthing class this week, we learned about various interventions (both necessary and unnecessary) during labor and delivery. We got down on a mat and practiced positions, breathing, relaxation and ways that Andrew can help during the process. 
- Andrew was on the news while he was voting. Super star! 
- Subbed in the office and in first grade this week.
- Walked Bro to the local dog park. Andrew estimated that it's a little over 1 mile to get there and back. It took me the same amount of time to walk back to the house as it took Andrew to drive home from work across town...I'm walking, that's all that matters. 
- Brody is shedding way more now than he was this summer. I vacuum twice a week! Does he not know that I'm about to bring a newborn home?
- Andrew and I were talking about extra weight. He said, "are you ### yet?" I had to respond, "babe, I'm that plus 10." He laughed. It was basically a slap in the face. 
- We had the friends over for pancake night.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

34 Weeks

34 weeks on 10/16/14
- 42 is days to go!
- Saw Mary AND Megan in the same weekend!
- Made $85 in a garage sale with mom. Holla.
- Andrew went to Boston with Tim, John, Dillon and Zach.
- Subbed in 3rd grade
- Started birthing class! It's a washington regional. A labor and delivery nurse/lactation consultant teaches it. There were 8 couples in there ranging from 27-35 weeks. Everyone is having girls, but 1 couple! We really enjoyed what we already learned and are seriously excited for the next 2 sessions!
- Went to Hobby Lobby with Kaitlyn to get fabric choices to make our own onsies!
- Past 2 nights I have felt incredibly nauseous.
- Made 3 onsies and had a fabulous day with Kait, Les and the girls! I reeeeaaaally want a sewing machine.
- We put together her swing. It's huge in our tiny living room.
- I washed the rest of her blankets, bibs and burp clothes as well as her sheets and mattress pad.
- Went to the gym in the first time in who knows how long...walked at about a 2.8 for a mile (slow as molasses) and then did a 14 minute third trimester Pilates workout. It felt just right to be doing with this big belly.
- Celebrated Blake's birthday!

Monday, October 13, 2014

33 Weeks

This sloppy chalk board was whipped together at 33 weeks and 4 days. Better late than never!

33 weeks
- We went to Colin and Leslie's wedding.
- We took Blake and Seth out to the property and we actually tromped around. It's so wonderfully perfect! We figured it to be about 7 minutes from our current house.
- Let's talk about how hot I am. (It's really hot-all.the.time.)
- While my hands and feet are still swelling, I am happy that my legs and face still pretty much look the same and I am still under my "total weight gain" goal.
- Braxton Hicks are starting to get a little "painful" rather than just uncomfortable. It helps to sit or lay on my left side. That's one step closer to baby time! :))))))
-I either had contractions or stomach bug between 2:00 and 3:30 on Sunday. It was either contractions or my stomach was doing something strange. It hurt at the top of my belly and would sometimes gradually move down to a pinch. They would last for less than 30 seconds.  < stomach bug and Braxton hicks. I did have to leave a classroom I was subbing in early because I was so uncomfortable.
- Had my doc appointment with Sr Bailey. He said that any uncomfortable feelings are just normal. I am to call if they are ever super painful, 5 minutes apart for an hour.
- Claire's heartbeat was nice and loud and strong! Doc said that she is measuring just right. He said I'm having an A+ pregnancy!
- I've gained 18 pounds.
- I start going to the doc every 2 weeks now! Cra-zy!!!
- Drove to Russellville to spend some quality time with my mama and daddy while Andrew is in Boston with his bros.
- This week has been filled with lots of new movements, jabs and pains. A LOT of pressure in the cervix area, my feet really start to hurt by the end of the day, and just general difficulty doing simple things. I can't believe I almost have a full term baby hanging out inside of me!
- Got my flu shot (the best shot I've ever gotten!)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

32 Weeks

(There are actually only 54 days left from when I took this picture, but who's counting…)

- I've started feeling her kicking my ribs. Sometimes she pushes on my ribs and what feels like my hip bone at the same time. It's amazing and painful all at once. I seriously love it. I still make a big deal every time she moves.
- Walked with the girls and Brody.
- Discovered the Deal Depot in Springdale!! For $112 I got: ergo infant insert, britax car seat base, Aden and Anias crib sheet, changing pad cover, changing pad liners, Mustela lotion, and Madela sterilizing bags!
- Had a super uncomfortable afternoon on Saturday. I was kind if hot, ate a lot of food (I think), and just finished a busy week. I think Claire had had e-nough!
- I'm kind of over the whole "my house has to look perfect for company" phase. Judge us for living if you must!
- Devastating news: Green Submarine is closed on Sundays (when I most wanted it)! < I got one on Tuesday. Score.
- We made an offer on some property in Fayetteville/Farmington, and we got it!!!! It's a perfect 1.26 acre lot in an area that seems "country" but it's in a subdivision. We don't plan on rushing into building. We want to take our time to pay off the lot and then work on building when Claire is a little older.
- I started "babywise" and I'm really excited about the book and the methods. So far, I've read about making sure that we bring Claire into our already existing relationship and show her our commitment for each other, rather than a brand new world that centers only around her. I know it will probably be tough, but Andrew and I went to a conference a few years ago where we learned that no matter what, we need to out each other first.
- Subbed in 3rd, the office and kindergarten this week. I'm ti-red.
- I cannot fit into my Toms. Like, at all.

Standing on our new property!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Friends + Family Shower

On September 20th, I had the most wonderful shower at our church here in Fayetteville! It was a brunch shower hosted by friends. I was BLOWN A-WAY by all of the people who came to celebrate baby Claire or sent a gift our way! We are so extremely blessed to know the best people on the planet. Andrew and I are now almost 100% "ready" for our little turkey because of the generosity of others.



Claire loves her monogram, and so do I. 

Prayer cards that the guests wrote for her.

The {delicious} food table. 

Lolly and Nana




LOOK at ALL those GIFTS!!! And I had already opened some!

I had some sweet helpers.

Love 'em.


My Duffield girls, Leslie and Amelia


The loot after we got home!