

Friday, April 10, 2015

Month 4

She loves: Being the boss, when daddy gets home from work, pulling mama's hair, watching Brody, her blankies, sucking her fingers (especially her thumb), hitting and kicking on her playmat, eating, being naked, talking and laughing, new people, sitting in her high chair, bath time with dad, looking at books, is kicking her legs or clapping her feet together, TV, mama singing

She doesn't love: bottles, naps in her crib, being alone in a room for too long, being in her car seat for too long or being too still in her car seat, she's starting to dislike tummy time, loud noises while she's asleep

- Man, at the beginning of the month, sleep wasn't our friend. She has a few good days and then some bad ones.
- Started rice cereal between the last 2 feedings to see if that helps her sleep better/longer.
- Spent the night with meme and Michele in Kansas City for some much needed cuddle time. We mostly just hung out in our hotel room with the exception of walking around Target and a furniture store.
- Started wrapping arms around my neck and snuggling!!!! She does it to Andrew as well.
- She's starting to get clingy. She holds on to my arm while I'm changing her and she grabs really tight when I'm laying her down.
- Loves sitting up and standing up. She does well in her bumbo and she sat by herself for a few seconds on 2/28.
- Rolled a few more times on 2/27, but doesn't do it a lot.
- Drools all the live long day and gnaws those hands! (Teething?)
- First fever on 3/4
- I feel like I need to go on record stating that Claire does not thrive from routine. She thrives in calling the shots.
- First laugh on 3/5!
- First day to go all day without pooping on 3/7.
- Did well for daylight savings time! It might help that we don't have a routine for her to get messed up on...
- Starting to become bashful. I love it.
- Smiles at mama but BEAMS at her daddy.
- She slept 12 straight hours (actually woke up to cry a few times, but self soothed) on 3/9 at 15 weeks and 4 days old!!!! It lasted 3 nights. They were glorious nights. After I knew she could do it, I was more "patient" with nighttime feedings. We are doing some crying it out. I tried checking on her and leaving, and that made it worse. Now if she wakes up before 6, I let her cry. It's hard. I have to listen to the cry to make sure it's not new and seeming like she's in pain.
- She loves for us to play with her legs and arms.
- She has started searching and reaching for toys if they're anywhere near her. She almost rolls to get them.
- When we say sounds repetitively she smiles. Especially "la la la".
- She twiddles her fingers a lot. My dad does the same thing.
- She's an amazing tooter. Girls got gas.
- I'm hoping to catch a pic soon, but when she's done eating and pulls away, she makes THE CUTEST face. Her little bottom lip pooches out and she almost smirks. So content. (Got the pic)
- We nap together. We nap together, and I love it. I feed her at 3pm and she slowly drifts off into her best nap of the day. She sleeps between 1.5-2.5 hours. She only takes 15-30min naps any other time (about an hour after she eats breakfast and an hour after lunch). Since we've been doing this, she sleeps better at night!
- She notices Brody.
- She still likes crowds.
- We had some beautiful 70 degree days so we walked and she rode in the big girl stroller. One time a train passed us while we were walking and blew it's horn. I mean, we were RIGHT beside it and it scared her to death. It woke her up from a sweet nap and it was the saddest thing.
- She wants to put everything in her mouth.
- She's a big talker. Especially when she is laying by herself.
- She blows raspberries. She really gets going when she's mad. Not upset, mad. Bossy, y'all.
- Had her first St. Patrick's day.
- Went to meet several of mama's friends from Williams Elementary.
- Loves to stand and sit straight up. She pulls herself into these positions while we are holding her hands.
- She's staring to hold her legs when she pulls them up.
- She feels things with the back of her hand or between her fingers.
- She's starting to kiss back.
- Finally got her to take 2 bottles while she was in her car seat. It was 1.5 hours after her normal meal time.
- She's realized she can still talk while she eats, so that's a fun new distraction.
- Eats between 1-2 oz of rice cereal.
- She is on a 9-9 schedule and still eats every 3 hours.
- Goes down between 9:30-10. Wakes up one time, usually between 5-7. Up for the day at 9.
- Just bought size 3 diapers.
- Still in 3-6 month clothes and some 6 month.
- Size 1 shoes are good in length, but some are not quite wide enough for her thick foot.

4 month check up:
- 16.75 pounds (90%)
- 22.5 inches (90%)
- 16 inch head circumference
- Dr. Swindle said that she is strong, well, and round. He commented on how lucky we are to have such a happy baby. He held her a lot of the time and she just snuggled up into him!
- He heard a small heart murmur. Trying not to worry over it.
- 4 vaccines again. 2 of them has some red swelling.

(Snow day in daddy's favorite jammies.)

(She thinks Chele's crazy.)

(A lot of half rolling going on.)

(Daddy doesn't like the mess that is feeding a baby.)

(First big Walmart trip. When I got home I read an article about how unsafe this is...)

("Nap time" happenings.)

(Brody tolerates her. )

(She totally sat by herself for a few seconds.)

(More snow.)

(Playing with Kelly Anne.)

(When we nap together, she makes sure I stay close.)

(After a 12 hour night, y'all.)

(We love sunny days and the big girl stroller!)

(Walks with Will)

(William's Elementary visit!)

Nursing: 3.5 Months

I learned from Jamie to make note about why I love and will miss nursing.

Breast feeding is the one thing that I so desperately wanted to go well before I had Claire. I was iffy about it in the hospital. She had a hard time latching and there wasn't a lactation consultant there to help (over the weekend). Once she finally picked up on it, she has been amazing! There's something so miraculous about the fact that my body is still providing all of her nutrients even though she is no longer in it. She will not take a bottle, so it is up to me!

Claire loooooooves nursing, and that makes it even more special to me. She starts whining and flapping her arms while kicking her legs while I'm getting ready. Now that she's bigger she pulls herself to me. When she was tiny, but still learning how to latch, she would put her mouth up to me, but leave her mouth open and shake her head. So adorable. Now she's ravenous and would never waste a second of meal time. She still eats on both sides at each feeding and her average time is between 15-20 minutes. Her little lips have the most perfect way of fitting around me. I could watch her forever!

When she first wakes up to eat for the day she always just stops suddenly and looks around. She takes everything in. She purses her lips and just stares. She also likes to rub me and look at me like "I missed you mom. Good to see you this morning." She always eats a good breakfast.

When she eats at lunch time she's very efficient. She doesn't stray away from the task at hand and she doesn't move much. She might take a 5 minute snooze when she's done and while I'm holding her, but I don't mind. We always get a good burp here.

Her nap time feeding is, well, something. She must have this feeding in order to take a good afternoon nap. I've tried laying her in her crib, her swing, my bed without me and she just won't sleep longer than 30 minutes. SO, we lay down together while she eats and falls asleep. Yes, she snacks off and on. Yes, I know you're not supposed to do this. Yes, I love it. And yes, I've tried to pull away from her and get out of the bed and she wakes up. I've just really noticed how WELL she sleeps during this time. Since we've started this nap feeding, she has also been sleeping like a champ at night! I don't really want to mess with a good thing until I have too. I also just soak it in because I will probably never be able to do this with another baby. This is something for just me and her. We lay on our sides facing each other and she cups the Breast with both little hands and just eats as much as she wants. If she does take a break and loose the latch, she still rests her face right next to me so as to know where to go if she needs more.

Her dinner feeding is very busy. She's quick and she pulls away a lot to play. She just kicks those legs and flails those arms.

Now, the bed time feeding. My favorite. She knows that this is time to wind down and relax. She eats for a really long time and she's just so still. The only movement is her rubbing my ribs on the side and the top of the Breast that she's eating on. I'm in heaven every night I feel like. I can also hear her sweet breathing coos and swallowing noises and they get me every time. This feeding is the only time that she pulls away when she's done eating. Every other time she just lays there with her mouth still on me. It's like at bedtime she's saying "I'm done. You can lay me down now." Sometimes I rock her for an extra few minutes because it's a sweet sweet time.

(Her sweet little face when she pull away from me.)

If she wakes up in the middle of the night, she just wants a snack. She whines when I pick her up just waiting for me to get ready. She MIGHT eat for 8 minutes on one side and she's done. Again, she's very still. She just knows she needs a little bit more to get through the night.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April Fourth

We celebrated this weekend for two reasons.

Exactly one year ago, on April 4, 2014, the Lord showed his love and mercy and complete control over my life in the most spectacular way.  On this day, my sweet baby girl was found via ultrasound when I was completely out of hope. I will always and forever remember 4/4/14.

This year on this date, we are preparing to celebrate something even more fantastic. We get to celebrate our risen savior! We get to stand an in awe of the fact that God, the same God who stuck with me when I gave up and rewarded me with my most precious possession when I didn't deserve it, sent his son to die on a cross to save ALL MANKIND (not just a few)! He sent his son to die on a cross to cleanse us of our sins so that we could spend eternity in the most wonderful place imaginable! Even more spectacular though, is that Jesus ROSE FROM THE GRAVE!!! Not in a creepy zombie way, but in a powerful and almighty way to fulfill his promises!

Jesus Christ IS the risen savior. He has saved me from my sins which are too many to count. He has stayed by my side through depression when I wasn't a loving follower. He has shown me his grace in 1025522 different ways! He can do this for you too!

I encourage you to stop and think about these verses. This excerpt is not from a fictional book. It is from God's Holy Word. Everything is true. He will save you. He will save me. He will save my Claire. He can save the world! We only need to trust in him! Thank you, Lord, for your incredible plans and promises!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

Happy Easter Everyone! I hope that you all have something wonderful to celebrate this weekend!