

Monday, September 4, 2017

For Abigail

{Abigail's First Mother's Day was one day shy of her 2 week birthday.}

Oh, my sweet baby. I have held you in my arms for 13 days now. You are the sweetest little lady, but when you get mad- you.get.mad. You know what you want and when you want it and I'm trying my hardest to figure you out! 

I feel like I'm rushing through my days with you. I'm trying to continually tell myself to stop and breathe you in. You smell so good! Your head, your feet and your breath are my favorites (daddy likes your ears). I want to savor every last second with you. I know all too well how quickly this time will go. 

I love holding you, and you love for me to hold you. I can tell we are going to have a special "baby girl" bond. 

When you're happy and content but awake, it's my favorite. Your eyes sparkle and observe the room. I swear you've already smiled on purpose at both your big sister and me. You're so tolerant of Claire. She loves you hard, and you just let her. I hope that you two always have each other. It's so very special to have a big sister as your best friend. 

I pray that you move mountains. I pray that you move them for yourself to accomplish wonderful things and to bring honor and glory for Christ and I pray that you move them for others. It's so important to be compassionate and meet others where they are and use your talents to help them when you can and pray for them when you can't. 

I hope that you know my love for you is big. It's different than the love I have for your sister, but equally life changing. I'm so very thankful for the blessing of you, our Abigail Jean! 

Abigail: Month 1

At one month, Abigail loves: being held, being wrapped in a blanket, bath time, big sister, she's starting to get the hang of holding on to a paci! She's still a great baby! We are struggling less with evening fussiness thanks to Gerber probiotic drops and going 3 hours between feedings now. She usually has one 5-6 hour stretch at night between 10-4, and then a 3 hour stretch. We are all so smitten with our baby girl! 

  • It was truly amazing how different I felt bringing home my second child. I got in the shower the first night home and didn't even cry! 
  • Starting to burp after feedings
  • She HATES diaper changes! 
  • At her 3 day appointment:     
  •   • her weight got down to 7.13. The doc was a little concerned and told me to come back by Saturday if my milk hasn't come in to re-weigh. I need to absolutely feed her every 2-3 hours.                  
  •     • her color, muscles, and other measurements looked great. She's so strong! 
  • My milk came in by day 3. 
  • Mama started getting emotional by day 4.
  • We took newborn and family photos on day 4. We got some seriously sweet shots, but I had my first experience of frustration with Claire for not cooperating and then Abigail wouldn't sleep for her newborn photos.  
  • Spit up for the first (few) times on day 5. 
  • Her little voice and cry is kind of raspy. 
  • Umbilical cord fell off the morning of day 9.  Also finished newborn pics with Claire.
  • At day 10, she goes 2-3 hours between feedings during the day and longer stretches at night. (During her bedtime feedings, she gets a little fussy -cries, grunts, wriggles around- and doesn't poop like she does during the day. She burps well!) 
  • Got her social security card on 5/13.
  • She has a fussy period between 7:30-9:30 pm. She doesn't really want to nurse, she will take a few sucks and then start crying pretty hard. (Week 3 just ended up being a hard week. If she wasn't held, she was sad.) 
  • She hates the car seat!
  • Had a TERRIBLE spit up on 05/16. 
  • Moved up to size 1 diapers at 2 weeks.
  • Very likely to fall asleep if you put her up in the shoulder.
  • At her 2 week appointment (with Dr. Swindle) she was up to 9.5lbs! She is very strong, healthy and smart! She's had a pretty white/pasty tongue for a while. Doc said it could possibly be thrush, so he went ahead and ordered some drops. If this doesn't help with her evening fussiness, she could possibly have reflux or some colic. 
  • She's a grunter and a squeaker. 
  • Took her first real bath with Claire at 2.5 weeks. 
  • Down to pre-pregnancy weight, and pain is almost completely gone by 3 weeks. Still bleeding and still a major belly! 
  • Fairly easy to get to sleep. Just bounce a little while and hold her arms if they're flailing.
  • 4 weeks: still eats every 2-3 hours during the day, has had a 7, 6, and 5 hour stretch on different nights, and then went to 2.5-3 hours at night.
  • I think she went through a growth spurt during week 4. She slept almost all day for 2 days and then the 3rd night and 4th day were rough. 
  • At 3.5 weeks, we started Gerber soothe probiotic drops. Hoping it helps with her evening fussiness. 
  • Working on 3 hour stretches during the day! 
  • She went on her first trip! We saw all of Andrew's family in Benton, our friends out on Lake Degray, and Meme and Poppi on the way home. She did fantastic! 
  • She's rolled several times from her belly to back (only because she hates tummy time so much.)

Abigail Jean: Birth Story

The topic of induction was discussed several weeks before my due date. I didn't want to do it for multiple reasons (I wanted to experience going into labor on my own, wanted to save money by avoiding the extra day, my body and baby didn't seem quite ready, etc.) When I was still at 1cm and barely effaced at my 39 week appointment, we all decided to go ahead and schedule a "just in case" induction date after my due date. Dr. Hinton didn't want me to go too long over because baby girl was probably going to be a bit bigger. We chose Monday May 1, 2 days late. We went in early morning because we'd already pre-paid for a 48 hour stay at the hospital and wanted to try to avoid a 3rd day for the induction process. As much as I didn't want to be induced, I was thankful for it in the end. We were really able to enjoy our last weekend with just Claire, my parents came up to stay with her and weren't in a rush or tizzy to get here, I was able to pack and mentally prep for the situation with a "sane" mind. On our way to the hospital (at 1am) we stopped at McDonalds for a last meal because I wouldn't be able to eat once pitocin started. We were all set and ready to meet our new little love! 

  • 1:30am check in went smoothly, hooked up to all things 
  • Already showing a few contractions
  • Started Pitocin and group b strep antibiotic around 3:00am
  • Was checked and still "a good 1cm", baby still high, but up to 50% effaced! 
  • Couldn't sleep
  • By 5:30, Pitocin was turned up for the 3rd time. Contractions were 4-6 minutes apart. Pain was not unbearable, barely noticeable. 
  • 6:00, still a 1
  • 8:00 Dr Hinton came in, talked about what we might do if I don't progress. She upped the Pitocin and I was at a 2. 
  • 8:40 upped Pitocin 
  • Fetal heartrate and contraction monitor kept flipping off my belly (just like they did with Claire). 
  • I was sooooooo hungry!! I think I ate 4 popsicles, and Dr. Hinton let me sneak a handful of trail mix 🙌🏻
  • I did a lot more walking around and bouncing to try and help things. 
  • Around 11:30, I was checked again (2/3, 50/60% effaced and she moved to -2 station). We started using the peanut ball and that really got things going! Strong steady contractions! 
  • Contractions started getting very strong and very frequent. We spoke with Dr. Hinton. I asked about getting epidural. Was checked and still a 2, so I decided to try and wait (I think I lasted around 30 more minutes). 
  • Got the epidural around 2:00. It was a MUCH better experience as far as pain during insertion! A nerve was hit on the first try which sent a shot of pain/tingling to my right knee. He re-did it and got it just right on the second try. I did end up with a strange pressure headache that just bounced around my head for about 30 minutes and then went away. During the epidural, Andrew stood right in front of me and held on to me (it was one of my favorite parts of the day). The nurse started commenting on how strong and frequent my contractions were becoming. I also started having low blood pressure and would feel very tired or nauseous sometimes. 
  • Checked right after epidural and was at a 6, 90%, and -2! Dr. Hinton broke my water. We set up laying on the left with the peanut and progressed very quickly! 
  • I think by 4:45 I was a 10 and just needed to wait a little while for her to labor down to begin pushing. 
  • Pushed from 5:20-6:15
  • Was very tired from little sleep and had nausea from heartburn and low blood pressure, but still had a good experience! 
  • The last 3 pushes were super exciting! The first, she kind of jumped and her head popped out, surprising everyone!! It even made a popping noise! Dr. Hinton wasn't quite ready!! I had one middle push, and then during the third push, I was up in my pushing position and she did a frog kick inside me and pushed herself right out!!! Everyone instantly commented on her cuteness and chunkiness. 
  • We did chest to chest time together, I got to cut her cord, and they did all the measurements and tests. She had to stay on my chest for a while because her temp was a little low. 
  • 6:15pm on Monday, 5/01/17
  • 8lbs 12.6oz
  • 21.1in
  • APGAR scores were 9 and 9
  • Meme and Papa and Lolly were the first to meet her (Poppi had Claire). Poppi came in. Meme and Poppi left to get food and daddy brought Claire in. She was extremely unsure and more worried about mama's boo boos and all the machines! 
  • Abigail nurses like a champion!!! Latched and sucked well right away and for a long time! (But she does not like to be put down or re-situated!)
  • I ended up being awake for a total of 37 hours before getting a little rest! 
  • She pooped 3 times and peed (first time during her bath) on 5/2 while still at the hospital. 
  • She had to have 4 or 5 blood sugar draws (heel pricks) because of her size. 
  • Passed all her tests. 
  • Came home around 7:30pm on 5/2. Claire was excited and hyper. She said all day, "Abby coming home!!!"
  • Abigail took a paci!!!

We are extremely thankful for the gift of a healthy baby and  smooth delivery! Life with Abigail Jean is so so sweet! 

Top 10 at 2 Years Old

1. A well kept stash of her favorite (healthy) snack. If she's had junk all day, I know she will eat these and still get a little "goodness". For us- fruit/veggie pouches. 

2. Toys! Play doh and accessories. It has kept us entertained for weeks! Baby dolls. Kitchen. Slide. She loves mini figurines. 

3. Warm play shoes and clothes. We go with the ugg-type boots. She can run and play, they slide on and they're super warm. She's got some thicker cotton pants, long sleeved sweaters, and a good thick coat. (Or cool and water proof like Nativ shoes or Keens and cottons clothes.) 

4. A fun indoor place to go to play. We prefer Imagine in johnson. It's super affordable and doesn't take forever to get there. We also did a month at The Little Gym and SHE LOVED IT!  The Amazeum is a little too far. 

5. Colorful bath fizzies. They're at Walmart and they make baths so fun. 

6. A double tiered step stool. We finally found one and she can finally reach the sink by herself! 

7. Potty training supplies! Candy(suckers), stickers, small potty, big potty insert seat, extra undies, flushable wipes, and lots and lots of time 😬

8. iPad with educational apps. I have no problem with technology time. I do, however, put a lot of time and effort into finding apps and things to download. She learns more from the technology than she does from me a lot of times (it's actually taught her imaginative play)! It also comes in VERY handy when we are out in public somewhere and it's not a situation we can leave. Yes, if she starts acting up, I offer the iPad. I'd rather her match letters to make words or listen to people singing and counting that scream in front of 100 witnesses. 

9. Vitamins and allergy meds. They've been our best friends. (And elderberry syrup)

10. PATIENCE!!!!!

For Claire: Your last days as our only baby girl

I am so thankful for you, Claire Avery. I pray that I've never taken a single second with you for granted. You'll never remember what it was like to have me all to yourself, but these are 2.5 years that I will NEVER forget. We do everything together. You're my best little pal! I'm so thankful that the Lord gave you to us. You've taught us to love unconditionally, be patient, not compare, enjoy the small things, put away technology and enjoy the moment, and a deeper understanding of how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father because he loves us much more than we love you (and sometimes I feel like I could explode I love you so much)! I'm grateful for every day I've spent with you. I'm excited to start our new phase with you as my best BIG girl! I pray that you feel loved in a new way with a new role, and that you never feel less valued. My heart is still yours, but now it's grown to love your baby sister, too! I hope we all learn to have the best time together. You and Abigail are going to be each other's confidants. You're going to fight and you're going to play and I'm going to try my best to enjoy it all! I know that you'll be a great leader and example for your baby sister! 

I'm so proud of you, and I love you! 

**on your very last day without a baby sister, April 30, 2017, I got you out of bed and we talked, and snuggled and ate breakfast. We played and played in the playroom. We went to church where you could see Tessa and Enoch, eat a Donut, and "sing Jesus". We went out to eat with church friends, you prayed for our table 🙂 and then enjoyed pizza and ice cream for lunch. We came home and you took a fantastic nap! You didn't want me to get you out of the bed! We made shadows, you played in daddy's car, and we played some more in the playroom. You held daddy's legs while he checked the air filter. Meme and Poppi were up here by dinner time, and you were all eyes for them! We had burritos, rice, beans and chips and salsa. You ate a great supper and played some more while watching Moana! Daddy and I gave you your bath and you were so sweet and talkative. We talked a little bit about Abby coming tomorrow, but you were mostly excited that Lolly and Papa are coming! We took our last "family of 3" picture, and then read books. We read "I am a big sister" and for the FIRST TIME you were interested in it and we talked about you being a big sister to Abigail. I hugged you and kissed you and told you how much I love you. I started to get sad, but accidentally poked your eye and you got on to me! It was a great day! 

Ode to the Rocking Chair

I have spent a LOT of time in our trusty rocking chair in the last 2 years. I know the art of pillow placement and exactly where I need to sit in it to lean back comfortably. 

I have not enjoyed my time in the rocking chair for the last several weeks. Claire can't find a comfy spot to rest because there's no room. By the end of the day, my belly is so tight that I feel like I'm going to die while Claire pushes and pulls on me while we both try to relax. It's just been more of an inconvenience to "rock" Claire lately. Andrew and I have been taking turns, and on my nights I rush through it as quickly as possible, desperate for relief from the pressure! 

At the same time, there have been a few magical nights where Claire finds just the right spot, lays so still, and falls asleep. I'm comfortable, she's comfortable, and all is right. She still looks like a tiny baby when we sleeps. She still lays like she did when she nursed and rubs my chest. I cannot help but sing praises to the Lord for every second spent in that chair with my girl. We've cried together, slept together, sang together, prayed together, laughed together, read together, and planned together. We've had some of our best times in that chair. On hard days, she's back to being my sweet baby girl by the time we sit down to rock at night. This rocking chair is a huge part of Claire's life. 

We are moving it to the baby's room. I. Am. Devastated. How can I remove such a big part of Claire's daily routine and part of her room environment?! What do I do on those rare nights that she does wake up and just wants to be rocked for a minute?! Why am I doing this to my baby?! Luckily, Claire Avery has handled most changes that I stress over very gracefully and I'm sure this will be the same. It's funny to me that this chair has caused me the most anxiety when thinking about how different her life will be with the new baby. 

I'm thankful for our cream and tan pin striped rocking chair from Walmart. I will cherish every second I spent in it with Claire and I'm looking forward to the new memories I get to make with Abigail. 

Claire's 3rd Spring

  • we started the season with amazing warm weather! She's loving the water table! She calls it the "wawa beetle". 
  • A new favorite song is "head, shoulders, knees and toes".
  • Has started filling in some letters while I sing the ABC's.
  • More words she's now saying correctly: book, milk, Brody 
  • The queen of piddling.
  • She has really impressed me with how she's been acting towards babies and younger kids. It's making me so excited to see her as a big sister!
  • She has a lisp!
  • Her new favorite responses are "nope" and "yep".
  • Very very proud of the progress she has made with the potty! She's starting to tell us more when she needs to go, and still very few accidents! 
  • Had the sweetest night rocking Claire on 3/27. She lifted my shirt looking for the baby and said "hi Abby, it's me, durr (Claire)" and then she told "I love you a much" and kissed me probably 15 times. But then she had the worst night 😑 And then slept until I woke her up at 9:20!!! 
  • Had her first dentist visit. She loved the office, but started to flip out when we asked her to lay back. She didn't love having someone look in her mouth, but the dentist was able to count her teeth, make sure they were cavity free, and put fluoride on them. In and out within 30 minutes. 
  • She played at the chick fil a play area for the first time. 
  • She likes to pretend to be in distress and yell "help me".
  • She went to spend a long weekend with meme and poppi I took it a lot harder than she did. Was SO SWEET when we met up to bring her home. She kept saying "hi mommy" "hi daddy" and hugging and kissing us.
  • While with Meme and Poppi, she ran a high fever. We thought possibly a bladder infection, but she wasn't showing any symptoms.
  • She's just been "off" for a little while. Hasn't slept through the night since returning from Meme and Poppi's, hasn't eaten normally or pooped as much, did not sleep well (at all) the weekend that Lolly and Papa were here. No fever, but a splotchy rash on her chest and back. 
  • Very into singing songs with LOTS of personality! 
  • Has started making toys talk to each other. 
  • She counted to 10!!!!! 
  • She sang the whole ABC song on her own!!! 
  • Very into watching movies and acting the out/quoting as she watches. She also likes to quote books while being read to and singing the last words in lines of songs. 
  • Her "favorite" toys are still tiny figurines. She has the Mickey Mouse characters and the princesses, and now she has little Moana characters and a troll, Poppy. She doesn't have to have them all the time, but definitely spends more time with these types of things than any other toy. Other favorites: bubbles, water table, the slide, play doh, Easter eggs and paint. 
  • The closer we get to baby sister's due date, the clingier she's getting (not sure if it's a product of me smothering her during her last few days as an only child). 
  • She's liking dinosaurs. 
  • She only eats pizza upside down (as in toppings facing down). 
  • Not as interested in electronics lately. <-- this changed very quickly after sister came home. 
  • Seriously changes every day. Has some days where her vocabulary takes off, and then the next day she's back to jibberish and her "special word". (A-vee-uh)
  • We are in her last few days as our one and only baby girl. Trying to cherish every second! 
  • Her new response to everything is "yes" said /yeth/ and it's just the cutest. 
  • A few things we did during her last several weekends as the only child: (we wanted to go to the gentry zoo but it rained every day we planned to go), special Saturday breakfasts, strawberry picking, swimming, riding "rides" at the mall. 
  • She was OBSESSED with baby Kent when they came to see us! 
  • We had baby sister! She was nervous and uninterested when she first met her. It was a busy night, bedtime, she just wanted to see mom and dad and Abigail was still dirty while I was still covered in cords. She brought us donuts the next morning with Lolly and Papa and busted in the door talking about bringing donuts to Abby! The grandparents said that she would excitedly say "Abby's coming home" throughout the day. She touches her head and likes for her to be in the room. She loves to make sure she has things, and wants to hold her all the time. She's very interested in how Abigail eats from mama's boobies. She always wants to give her the paci. She will just look at her and say "hiiii" in the sweetest voice over and over. She asks "Durr hold baby Abigail /happygirl/" all the time. She tells me "mama get her" when she's crying. 
  • Started having accidents in her pants (and wouldn't say anything) - pee and poop.
  • Current favorite words (for us to hear) weed eater /weeyaweeyer/, dinosaurs /hisaurs/, bandaid /bandem/, doc mcstuffins /doc histussins/, octopus /opicus/, heart of tafiti /harpiti/. Current favorite words (for her) "I don't like (hike) it", "durr (Claire) goes" or "durr see" and "go away to me".
  • More into princesses: pretending to be one, dresses, shoes and dancing. 
  • Threw up, not sure why
  • We went to Benton and Lake Degray for Memorial Day. She did so well visiting and playing with family, playing with friends and swimming in the lake/riding the boat! 
  • Starting to get batter at taking off and pulling her clothes back on (including shoes)
  • Did a week of swimming lessons
  • She prayed with Andrew The one part was "thank you daddy come home from work to play with durr". 
  • New phrases: "I have an idea, a burger fries idea", "I show you suppin", "don't do that, ok? Listen to me, no, right now." (she says that all together), "I dood it"
  • Pretty obsessed with hunting Easter eggs
  • Favorite songs: Moana songs (how far I'll go & you're welcome), Jesus song (forever - Kari jobe), branch's song (true colors and sound of silence), 5 little monkeys 
  • She makes this horrible whine/grunt/yell sound when she doesn't get her way 
  • Speaking skills took off while we were at my parents for several days
  • LOVES to hold, talk to and play with Abigail 

Abigail Jean: 3rd Trimester

(For my notes: I'm starting these "weeks" on the day that I change into that week rather than the days leading up to that week like I did with Claire.) 

28 weeks: 
- We moved the full bed out of her room, so I need to start putting it together!
- This week has still been painful by the end of the day. It also feels like my feet are swelling pretty badly by the end of the day. 
- (28 weeks 6 days) We had maternity/big sis/mommy and me photos and video taken in Russellville.  

29 weeks:
- weight: 144lbs (149 at dr)
- on Sunday night, I had the worst Braxton hicks sensations. A few times I felt they were more like actual contractions. This lasted around 4:30 to 9:45. During that time I drank water and rested. 
- Saw Dr. Hinton. 100/60 BP, great discussion, 140 heart beat, she said baby girl was wonderful! I had blood draws for calcium, magnesium and one other to see if there's s solution for my joint paint and numbness. 

31 weeks:
  • The body heat has started! No more sleeping in long pants! 
  • I got a little energy and motivation back it seems! 
  • We got the crib set up, closet somewhat cleaned out, and one project done for the nursery!
  • She's loving being low (around my hip bones) this week.
  • Feeling the need to prop my feet up at night for swelling/tingling. 
  • Good BP, no weight gain, 141 BPM at doctor's appointment. 
  • Dr. Hinton mentioned her size and discussions about best ways to deliver. We might be getting an ultrasound at an upcoming appointment. 

Week 32:
  • We were showered by friends! Hosted by Jamie,  Heather, Kaitlyn, Kathryn and Leslie. 
  • Who needs sleep? Not us! 
  • Dresser is painted! 
  • SOLD the property!!!! (Bought it 36 weeks with Claire.) 
  • I think she's dropped a little.

Week 33:
  • We had the SWEETEST tea party at Savoy Tea with some women from church. They showered us with all sorts of presents, delicious treats and great conversation! 
  • Swelling and snoring. 
  • She moves when I'm sitting, laying, walking, talking, sleeping... And I feel every part of her body moving! 
  • Had my doctors appointment and everyone in the room was amazed at how much she moved! Healthy babe! 
  • I got my teeth cleaned. 

Week 34
  • Major swelling 
  • So. Much. Pressure. And just heavy weight. She's dropped. 
  • Loving cereal and grapes 
  • Waking up nauseous at night
  • We. Got. A KING Bed. It's amazing!!! 
  • I felt really great all day on 03/24.  

Week 35 
  • Still nauseous at night. Tried not taking a probiotic, but still felt sick. 
  • A lot of bowel movements. 
  • Babymoon staycation! Started with Meme coming to help deep clean and then she took Claire to russellville. I slept in and got stuff done around the house, and we had a nice dinner at Vetro 1925 and a chunky dunk cookie for dessert!

36 weeks:
  • Ended the babymoon staycation with Andrew finishing the Bentonville Half Marathon, we got pedicures and then shopped at Rhea Lana. We went to get Claire! 
  • Had a very painful day. Start to finish, just felt constantly uncomfortable! 
  • Had my first weekly appointment. Wasn't checked this week, but everything else is looking good! Was recommended to take Pepcid or Zantac every night around 7 and sleeping on my left side to see if it helps with the nausea. She said the intense sweats might be from low blood pressure. 
  • I don't think I can get my rings on at all. Maybe first thing. 
  • Started packing bags, her room is finished, and most of the laundry is washed. 
  • Set up the swing 
  • My boobs have started hurting and there's a certain pressure going on down in the area.
  • Weight: 153

37 weeks 
  • Papa and Lolly came for the weekend. I was nice to relax and they helped moved some furniture and spruce up our flower bed. 
  • Lots of comments from strangers on the belly. 
  • Lots of pains. Pelvic pressure, cramps, cervix pinching, back pain...
  • We got our built in cabinets!!  
  • I've gotten several comments this week about being "so cute pregnant". The lord sends little pick-me ups just when I need them! Hanging on to these words while I'm "so cute pregnant".  
  • Doctors appointment: good blood pressure, 153lbs, still group B positive, Abby is head down but still high, thinned cervix, and 1cm. 

38 weeks: 
  • Not really having any discomforts other than my feet, hands and back from standing too long. 
  • Still at a 1 with no change in my cervix. Abigail was higher today than last week. We scheduled an induction for May 1st, but Dr. Hinton may want to do it sooner after my appointment next week. 
  • We have been walking, bouncing, taking evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea, etc. ANYTHING to hopefully see some change! 
  • She's moving a lot less. 
  • Had a morning of nausea and (constant) cramp feeling. 

Week 39:
  • so very very hungry! 
  • Still at a 1 and 30% effaced. Scheduled an induction for May 1 at 1:30am unless she comes sooner!
  • She hasn't been moving as much, so we got hooked up to a heart rate and movement monitor for 10 minutes 
  • I THINK I lost my mucus plug on 4/26 and I saw some milk come out of the right breast! 
  • Walking, 3 evening primrose oil pills a day, raspberry leaf tea, pineapple, bouncing, dancing, squatting, etc. We are trying very hard to meet our girl! 

40 weeks: 
  • The weekend of her due date was record breaking rainfall and flash flood warnings!  
  • 40 weeks and 2 days at 1:30am we went in for an induction! 
  • Weight is in the 155lb range 

Claire's 3rd Winter

- She likes to call things shewy (like shewy trash) that she finds on the ground. 
- When she's nervous to do something she clings and says "mama/daddy I got you" in a super hesitant voice.
- She willingly lays her head back in the water, and puts her face in the water. 
- She can put together puzzles! 
- She loves to take toys to bed with her. 
- She loves looking at lights, finding stars and the moon, and talking about helicopters and airplanes, and cooking "lunch"
- Her favorite games are chase, tickle fight, spinning, and hiding in the bed = "where are you?". 
- She has taken a turn and become obsessed with her babies. We talk about them and play with them a lot. 
- In response to questions and statements she will say "yeah" repetitively and louder and louder until you acknowledge. 
- She's into licking right now...
- Outside is still her favorite. 
- She still doesn't talk perfectly clear, but her recall is amazing! We had corn casserole at a meal and later she started talking about the "yummy roll". We asked her what color the corn casserole was and she quickly replied "yellow". She loves identifying things!
- Her retell is also amazing! Last night she told me "pee pee, daddy "yay", candy, thank you!" Meaning: I went pee pee, daddy said "yay" and gave me candy. I told him "thank you"! 
- She is doing well going pee pee on the potty for candy. About to start official potty training. 
- She got her bottom back left 2 year molar 12/22/16 and the top back left on 12/27. 2 years and 1 month. 
- Started potty training on 1/2/17. Info on its own post! 
- She still cant count, but she can keep Rhythm! On an episode of Mickey Mouse, Pete says "1,2,1-2-3" and she will copy the beat but say "2,9,2-9-2". 
- She likes to scare and be scared. 
- She asks "you k, daddy" or "I got you, mommy" a lot. 
- Any time she wants to ride something she says "ride car ride car". For example, Andrew was on his bike and she said "daddy ride car bike". 
- Right now at bedtime, she likes for each of us to have our own book to look at. She even makes Brody lay down so that she can open the book for him and tells him to read it. 
- Her new word to use is "everybody" 
- Starting to put sentences together. 
- Obsessed with singing "happy birthday" (she says Happy Annie) and "the finger song" (daddy finger, daddy finger...). She says "daddy, daddy, where are you, here it is."
- She's over using the /h/ sound, but it's adorable. "Yummy hupper", "I see ho-Ana", "daddy's homing". 
- We went to our first real big movie to see Moana. She did great, but didn't last the whole movie. 
- She's just THE SWEETEST!!! 
- She's beginning to understand different days. She repeated for 2 weeks straight "Papa coming Friday". 
- We came to stay at meme and poppi' some weekend. We had "big sister" photos and video taken and she got her first real hair cut! A significant amount was cut off in the back to give it some shape, but she has a sweet little bob now! 
- She says "I love you" all on her own now! 
- If I brag on her, the thing I was bragging on not happening, will happen within a day. 
- She calls the Little Gym (gymnastics) na-kikik and lists what she does there in a very specific list tone. She says "I play, and swing, and flip, and jump, and ball."
- She's starting to get in trouble other places for being rough and "mean". 
- New things she's saying "a-back a-me" (give it back to me), "err much" (said after "thank you" or "I love you" and means "very much"), "come play", "bo bo move!", "mama hook (look)", "I'm dizzy"
- She has started actually playing with friends. 
  • She told me that she needed to poop and ACTUALLY POOPED on the potty on 2/27! 
  • She did her first character assignment while playing. Brody was Pluto, mama was Minnie and she was Mickey!
  • mastered the art of "being cute" to try to get out of trouble. 
  • Speaking of trouble...she's getting into a lot of it. The over use of the word "mine" and phrase "no mama no" while she sways at me is doing me in! 
  • She's picking up so many new phrases I can't keep up!! 
  • A few words she started saying correctly: Mickey, Pluto, daisy, pizza, Elsa, Rapunzel, rider (Flynn rider), ice cream cone (which I tried to get her to go back to saying Ninnie and she did) , One, burger, purple, Aladdin, bubble, kitchen 
  • She got bronchiolitis mid February and something similar again at the beginning of march. (It only required the inhaler for 10 days and the fever reducer. Day 3 was the worst.) 
  • 2 of our favorite things she says right now are "a-gee mama/daddy" (for again) and "what _____ haaaaaaay?" (what does ______ say?)
  • She finally counted to 3! Woo hoo! 
  • I was rocking her and she whispered "mama, where babby?" She lifted my shirt and rubbed my belly and whispered "there it is!" Melted. Then the next night she pat my cheek and very softly whispered "I love you mama". 
  • She's becoming more affectionate with friends. She will willingly hug and hold hands and tell them she loves them. 
  • extremely possessive 
  • A few favorite foods: taco soup, cereal with milk, apples, fruit snacks