

Monday, September 28, 2015

Darlin' Don't You Ever Grow Up

I've been noticing lately how much Claire is starting to look more like a toddler. She's losing that baby roundness to her face. She now has a toothy grin instead of a gummy one. She's starting to communicate and get around in her own way. She's changing right before my eyes!

Oh, how I beat myself up for not cherishing the snuggles more. Now she won't fall asleep on me. She's too big and too busy. I just realized that I am no longer timing and keeping track of her feelings anymore. I don't have to! She's grown into this great schedule and it works for her, but a tiny part of me misses the spontaneity. I used to depend on my timer and couldn't go anywhere without it. Now, it's been 977 hours since it was last used. I wish I could add all the minutes I've spent nursing thus far.

We know each other now. She gets me and I get her. That is one thing that I'm looking forward to as she continues to grow; The friendship bond that we will have. I pray that she always knows I'm here for her, and that I am a good enough Christ like example for her as she grows up...because unfortunately, she has to.

(Newborn, 3m, 6m, and 9m)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Flying with a Babe

Claire and I flew to Georgia to see my sister and her family. I was a NERVOUS WRECK prepping for the flight. As soon as we booked the tickets I thought, "what have I done?!" I instantly went to the Internet and talked to my sis to find out all important information.

Claire was absolutely AMAZING!!!! She only cried when she was in her car seat because she wanted out. Otherwise, she was playing or "performing" for her audience (the sewing club and the older couples flocked to her). On the way home, she got a little fussy because she was so tired, but I nursed her and she fell right asleep.

I thought I'd compile a list of all things I found helpful.

I TRAVELED WITH A VERY AVTIVE 9 MONTH OLD. She prefers to be crawling and playing. She does not nap on me often.

1. Promise yourself to "go with the flow". Being worked up the entire travel day will help you none. Your top priority should just be to keep the babe happy. No matter what.

2. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: Babies under 2 can get a ticket or travel as a "lap baby". I strongly suggest going as a lap baby. Make sure you call the airline prior to your trip and make sure they document on your boarding pass that you are traveling with a child. We flew southwest. I was told to bring Claire's birth certificate to the ticket counter to prove she was under 2. They gave me another boarding pass with one for her.

3. TRAVEL SYSTEM: My sis didn't have a car seat or stroller, so we had to take both. I packed the base in my large suitcase (we got 2 checked bags for free) and clipped the car seat into the stroller to push around. When we got to our gate, I went and spoke with the flight attendants. They tagged the stroller and seat for me to gate check. IF YOU HAVE A LAYOVER, IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL THEM YOU WILL NEED THE STROLLER AT THE LAYOVER DESTINATION. IF YOU DONT SPECIFY, IT MIGHT GO ON TO THE FINAL DESTINATION. On our flights to Georgia, there were plenty of seats, so I got to take the car seat on the plane. I thought she might sleep in it, but she didn't. It was mostly just a hassle. During the layover, I strapped her into the car seat (in the stroller) and pushed her around while she napped. It was her only nap. On the way home, they planes were way full so there was no room for the car seat. *When we got off the plane, we waited right outside for our things.

3. WHAT TO PACK FOR ENTERTAINMENT: I put a few of Claire's toys away about 2 weeks before we left. I wanted them to be new to her. We had a book, a light up/singing toy, Sophie, a stacking toy, among other things. She mostly just played with the peanut bags, the people around us and the tray. Southwest had free wifi with TV shows. We watched Mickey twice.

4. WHAT TO PACK FOR FOOD: I took a few pouches for her to suck on during landing and take off. She is not an on demand nurser, nor does she take long, so I needed other options to help with ears. She had mums and gerber cookies and a water bottle. I also took puffs and yogurt melts, but they slide away and were easily thrown. Don't forget snacks for mama! You'll be hungry too!

5. WHAT NECESSITIES TO TAKE: Food!!! Antibacterial hand and face wipes to wipe her off as often as possible. I had Wet Ones to wipe off all surrounding areas. Seriously. I tried to wipe almost everything she touched.

6. WHAT TO WEAR: If you're a nursing mom, a piko top with a tank top under was so wonderful! It completely covered the babe and kept me modest. Comfy pants and easy slip on shoes are a must as always. I put Claire in a buttoned romper. It was the easiest to change her diapers and I didn't have to keep up with any pants. Keep the baby shoeless if possible so you don't have to remove those. Take an extra outfit for all!

7. WHERE TO SIT: I spoke to the staff before boarding and they suggested sitting as close to the engine as possible, and sitting by the window. On flights that I knew had a few extra seats, I put my bag in the middle seat to keep others from sitting. Claire loved to sit by herself!

I hope this was helpful in someway! Just stay calm and be amazed at how much attention your baby gets!

(Playing around at the gate.)

(She loved sitting by herself and waving to everyone around her.)

(Popping up after nursing to say "hi"!)

(This is how she rode around the airport.)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Month 9

She loves: playing(!), peek a boo, dancing, music, cheese, walking holding hands, her grandparents, drinking water, the refrigerator, trash, toilets, Brody's bowls, opening and shutting doors, and her shampoo bottle.

She doesn't love: when I close the refrigerator, being made to lay still during diaper/clothes changes, being forced to sit or having certain things taken from her.

21.9 pounds
29.33 inches
18.5 in head
Low iron (just a little) from a toe prick.
Possible swallow study
Dr. Swindle called her WILD! He said she's very bright and strong, and we might have a walker before 1.
Got the first part of her flu shot.

• Depending on the brand, she's in 6-12 or 12 month clothes. She can still wear a few 9 month items.
• Size 3 diapers for day and 4 for night.
• Naps at 9:30 and 1:30 for about an hour/hour and a half.
• Bed time around 8:30 and up around 7:30. Even if she wakes in the night, I don't go get her unless it seems necessary.
• Nurses 4 times a day (every 4 hours) and eats a solid an hour after she nurses. We still do cereal before bed as well, but it no longer has to be mixed with breast milk.
• 2 bottom teeth, and big buds for the top teeth.

- Started the month on day 5 of RE sleep training.
- First day of her ninth month was a rough one. She slept poorly the night before and wouldn't nap. She acted this same way a couple of days before that tooth popped up!
- She pulls up on everything with ease. She sometimes gets brave and lets go to just stand there or she starts to walk along things.
-We hosted a house warming party 3.5 weeks after we moved in. Whew. It was SO wonderful for ALL of our friends to get together and Claire loved playing with the kids. Our guests were: Rountrees, McClains, Duffields, Carters, willards, Tarvins, coopers, glovers, devenports, and Gobers. Our new neighbors the Crouches showed up for a little while. We have so many wonderful friends here and loved celebrating with them.
- Started to become even more talkative and goofy!
- Took 3 steps with walker toy on 7/27. She also choked for the first time. It was on a puff and Andrew simultaneously scooped it from her throat while beating her back. She cried.
- She started sucking a straw (from a sonic water) on 7/29.
- When she gets upset or is doing something she doesn't want to do, she kicks her right leg like crazy!
- She had a bout of diarrhea that lasted several days. She would wake up with it in her diaper and have a few times during the day. No fever and she was still as happy as ever! We made sure to keep her hydrated and put her on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast).
- She hasn't wanted to lay still to nurse on the right side. She stands on her knees to my left and just bends over to eat.
- Took Andrew to Rhea Lana's. Bought: 4 pair of jammies, 4 rompers, 2 dresses, 5 pair of pants, 1 jacket, 13 shirts, and 4 pair of shoes for $115.
- Bottom right front tooth broke through on 8/2 and she waved on purpose to Shannon Driggers.
- She has started to squat to play rather than sitting. It makes her seem so big to me.
- She loves everything she's not supposed to: paper, toilet paper, toilets, random items on the floor, knives from the dishwasher, plugs and cords, door stoppers, outlet covers, trash, books with pages she can rip out...
- She likes playing in the open refrigerator.
- Has started saying "mama" when she's crawling around looking for me or crying, but doesn't say it to me. When asked to say it, she spits.
- She started crossing her feet when she sits.
- When she sees something she really wants, she says "mama" and crawls really fast.
- She likes to sit and use her feet to swivel around.
- She's starting to share things for us to "pretend" with her.
- She walks holding our hands now.
- On the night of 8/8, she woke up really upset. After letting her cry for a little while I just had to go in there (this after 3 weeks of sleep training). I'm so glad I did, because for the first time ever, she just laid her head on my shoulder and let me rock her. Such a sweet time.
- She lays her head down on us and sometimes squeezes for hugs.
- She learned to throw (more like "share") a ball with lolly.
- She has started putting things in her mouth to hold while she uses her hands for something else.
- One night, she played with a cracker wrapper under the kitchen table for over 10 minutes. She was just talking and would touch the chairs with the wrapper while rotating around. Sometimes she would slide into her belly and lick the ground....My little weirdo!
- She's been making herself gag during dinner. Mostly on vegetables.
- She has this funny cough/laugh that she does when she sees something she likes.
- When she falls or gets hurt, she looks at the object and yells at it while she cries. It's hard to feel sad for her because it's so funny.
- She's getting pickier about foods. She doesn't care for veggies right now.
- She does a real cry when I'm getting ready to feed her but have to put her down for a minute.
- "Nana" is her new favorite sound to make. She does it and grunts/stiffens at the same time.
- She learned to call the hogs.
- She L•O•V•E•S to give kisses. Sometimes she just won't stop. She likes when I make the "mwah" sound. Sometimes she bites the lips instead of a sweet kiss...
- The one thing that always cheers her up is singing "clap clap clap your hands clap your hands together."
- She found her shadow.
- Lover of playing chase.
- Naptime has become a struggle again. She wants me to hold her and snuggle. She cries when I lay her down.
- Runny nose started in 8/18 (probably the cause of sad naps).
- Likes to lay her head on things.
- Ended the month sleeping really well!

Oh my sweet sass, you are 100% better than I could have even imagined. Your joy is contagious. I love watching you focus and play, and I adore when you come searching for mama snuggles. I can already tell that you have a majorly impressive future ahead of you. I hope you never lose your determination. I love you, wild girl!

(39 weeks old -- same amount of time that she was in the womb)

Poop face

Claire and Perri having backyard fun. 

The Godparents: Tim and Kaycee

Watermelon friends

This is so dark, but one night she had to sleep with us. When she woke up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me for a while. 

In front of our new home. 

Sleeps with her booty up. 

Toilet paper bandit. 

Tippy toes

Bottom teeth!

You can find this pic on the website under the "kids" tab.