

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Choose LIFE

"You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
‭‭Psalm ‭139:15-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

At the moment of conception, a new LIFE has begun.

I had the privilege of carrying a life for 39 weeks and am now raising her out of he womb. That girl's personality started from DAY ONE. I prayed for her. I prayed so hard. The Lord was molding her and knew even in the utter seclusion of my womb who she was going to be. I know that her life began from day one because of faith. If you're skeptical about that fact, I also knew she was a LIFE because I SAW her HEARTBEAT (hers, not mine) at six weeks. She was the size of a grain of rice, and the flutter was perfectly clear. How can something not be alive if there is a heartbeat? It makes NO SENSE TO ME how someone believes otherwise?!

There are so.many.women. who long to carry a life. It is saddening to hear about people that kill innocent babies for their own convenience when there are women who would give up everything they have to carry a child. There are also women who are told during gestation that their child has a defect, and the doctors recommend abortion. I can't even imagine what this news would do. I'm so thankful for the few women I do know that have received this news, but have chosen to carry their child regardless. What a testimony!

I'm sure that there are many reasons that I don't understand as to why someone would follow through with an abortion. I'm so thankful to serve a Heavenly Father that forgives unconditionally and will help anyone who has faith in him get out of any dark time.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Top Products : Updated

I've decided to make a new top 10 items that we've loved for our 10 month old!

1. TOYS!! [Stacking rings] She loves to clap them together to make noise and now she gets so proud of herself when she can get them back on the peg. They are her go-to toy, for sure! [Walker] It keepers her entertained whether she's sitting and playing with it or pushing it around. [Balls] She can play fetch with herself

2. Food pouches. Whether you buy baby food or make it, pouches are a life savor. They keep you from needing a spoon and once the baby learns to suck on them, they are so easy! Now, Claire eats the Del Monte "fruit+veggie" pouches. They aren't considered baby food, but they're still a purée and are much cheaper than the individual pouches. (Note: because they are more expensive than regular baby food, I would only use the pouches when out and about.)

3. Sleep sacks. We have a crazy sleeper, and we keep it pretty cool in our house at light. The Aiden and Anias Muslin and the summer cotton sacks have been a perfect little cover for Claire while she sleeps. She can still crawl around and stand up while wearing.

4. Anti bacterial wipes. I've always got a pack of hand and face wipes and Wet Ones. You never know when you'll need to wipe down a service or wipe off your kid. I like these because they say "kills germs" on the package. I promise I'm not a total germaphobe, but there are certain places (walmart) that I know the surface is disgusting and I also know that my kid will put her mouth on something. **A shopping cart/seat cover is great, but I forget mine or it falls off half the time.**

5. Infant ibprofren. I don't just give my  child meds because, but there are some nights when I can just tell she's on discomfort. On those nights, we take the Ibprofen. It lasts 8 hours!

6. Baby proofing. This child is into anything and everything. When we moved, I had to re think my decor and furniture and arrange everything so that it's safe for her. Right now, I'm so very thankful for our large soft leather ottoman in the center of our living room. She loves walking between it and the couches. We've got a play yard blocking off our kitchen and the push tabs on our cabinets!

7. Water bottle. Claire never took s bottle or a sippy cup very well. The day she learned to drink from a straw was a great day!! Now we always have her contigo bottle with us.

8. Music and books. You'd be amazed at how much your child can learn from listening, playing and dancing to music and looking at and listening to books. Claire loves a tiny piano and maracas, and likes for us to sing songs to her. She loves books with flaps and books with bright pictures. (Keep the books short and sweet right now. As much as you want to read that sweet sappy story to your babe, chances are she won't make it through).

9. Pampers baby dry. I only put these on her at night, but they've saved me from a wet bed multiple times! She wears size 3 up and up diapers during the day, but size 4 baby dry at night.

10. Shout spray. Even with a bib we manage to stain every outfit! I also keep some wipes in her bag.

Month 10

Claire loves: stacking rings, books about colors or one word picture books, dancing, playing chase, climbing, and touching things she's not supposed to.

She doesn't love: being put down when she wants to be held and long car rides

• 12 month clothes
• size 3/4 diapers
• size 3/4 shoes
• Nurses 3 times a day at 8, 4 and 7:30. (Occasionally during the middle of the night.)
• Eats real food or baby food at 7:30, 10:30(snack), 12, 2(snack), 5:30.

- First time to wake up with "bed head" on 8/23.
- Started throwing a ball.
- Started shaking her head "no".
- Toots stink now!
- She throws fits. She will fake cry with her mouth wide open and then slam her arms or legs down.
- Champion flyer
- She prefers her bed to sleeping anywhere else.
- cruises easily while holding onto something.
- For about 5 days in a row, she hit her head pretty significantly.
- She started making this new furrowed bro face at everyone. It's funny but also kind of rude...
- Started sleeping on her pillow.
- She had started pretend playing with us. (Mainly with food.)
- Weaned off lunchtime feeding on 8/9. First, I did 2 days of only nursing on one side. Instead of milk she gets a good lunch of protein, fruit and veggies and carb. Her afternoon naps are the only thing that's been effected.
- Started going through a Naptime sleep regression.
- Started kids day out at cross church on 9/14! They said she was amazing! She reached for the teacher, I kissed her and that was that. She played with others, rode a wagon to gym to play with balls and then music. She ate a good lunch and then NAPPED FOR AN HOUR!!! I got to watch an entire sappy movie and cleaned some areas that are hard to get when she's here.
- Top front left tooth broke through on 9/15.
- Now waves on purpose and expectantly for hi and bye bye. Her wave is now opening and closing her fingers.
- She claps for herself.
- Got another diarrhea bug.
- Starting talking more with different tones, but still only says "dada". She also started this panting taking.
- Got her first busted lip on 9/18 and we don't know how. She didn't cry o just noticed it was bleeding.
- Naps went back down to an hour or hour and a half.
- She points at things.
- When asked about an elephant, she either raises her arm or spits and for a tiger she grunts/growls.
- She says "hi" when she sees people, but never on demand.
- Shakes her head no when we say "no no".

Girlfriend, you are "miss thang". This month I feel like everyone has been talking about your personality. You go from a big smile to that furrowed brow in seconds, and you love when it makes people laugh. I'm so proud of how easily you go to others and make friends. I hope you are always able to step boldly into new situations. This month went by the fastest and it makes me sad because we are creeping on your first birthday! I love you!

(9 month pictures)

In one of her favorite spots wearing my favorite pajamas. 

One of 5 times she's touched Brody. 

Bed head

The lip

Bath time with Kelly Anne.

Riding through the airport.

In Calhoun with Annie.

Plane ride home. 

First injury - bonked her head on the table.

Sweet sleeper. 

KDO open house

Mt. Sequoyah 

Helping daddy

Taco's 4 Life opening.


"Tiny" hiny 

Breakfast picnic

3 teeth!

Meeting Hudson Moix

First Tailgate