

Monday, February 2, 2015

Top Products

These are the top ten things that Claire and I could not have lived without during our first 10 weeks. There are many more things that I loved having, but I was trying to stick to a theme here...

For baby:
1. Cetaphil. I had a million things of lotion given to us from baby showers, and I was so thankful, but I haven't used them. When Claire got the horrible acne/eczema the only thing that helped rather than hinder was cetaphil cream (not lotion). Now I put it on her every night.

2. Deluxe fold up baby bath. The back can be adjusted to sit up or lay back. Her bottom is raised off of the tub floor, but she can still soak in warm water. Best of all it folds up for easy storage.

3. Gowns and ZIPPER footed pajamas. Gowns for the first month of constant diaper changing. Once she outgrew gowns, I was so thankful for PJs with a zipper so that I didn't have to fool with buttons in the dark.

4. Nose Frida. Please know that I first thought this was the most disgusting product on the market. However, when you have an extremely snotty babe, you'll do anything. I used the bulb syringes from the hospital daily, but they would only get the boogs on the surface. I watched 5 YouTube videos on the Frida and was convinced that her snot would not get into my mouth (there's a filter). I bought it, used it, and never looked back. I suck her nose every morning and some nights. I get so much out EVERY TIME. She cries at first, but then she realizes she can breath and it's all good. **side note: I use saline solution probably once a week to help loosen things.**

5. Car seat liner/blanket. We got the Eddie Bauer brand from target. You attach it to your carseat and then it zips over the babe. This ensures that she's always warm and cozy. It's also an easy reminder to others to keep hands off of her. It comes off easily and is machine washable.

6. Gripe water and gas drops. Just get them. Gripe water was so nice for those weeks of constant screaming when I knew she wasn't hungry, or dirty, but she wouldn't fall asleep. The gripe water just gave her some flavor and would calm her for 1-30 minutes depending on how fussy she was. Gas drops helped so much for the times that she would eat, but not burp. If she didn't burp, there was no chance of us laying her down.

7. Crinkle toys, light up toys, and music toys. All of these are wonderful distractions.

8. Plain white socks. I bought a couple of 4 or 6 packs from Walmart, I think garanimals, and they were $1. White socks match every outfit and the 0-6 month size stay on her feet but aren't too tight on the chubby legs.

9. Bouncy seat/swing. She doesn't like either of these things for long, but it is a life.savor to have something to safely put her in when I need to get things done!

(Our first time to eat at the table without someone holding her.)

10. "Next size up" items. Sister has moved up in diapers and clothes sizes faster than I expected. It was nice to already have size 1 and now size 2 diapers ready in her closet. It's also been nice to already have an assortment of 3 month and 3-6 month clothes to fit this growing gal.

Mommy products:

1. Nursing SPORTS bras. I feel like nursing tanks and bras are a given for breast feeding moms. The sports bras are my favorite because you don't have to snap anything back, and they are comfortable to sleep in.

2. Baby feed app. This app keeps track of how long she eats and which side I need to start on. I can also keep up with wet and dirty diapers.

3. "The baby sleep solution" by Suzy Glordano. It's tips and tricks to get your babe to sleep 12 hours by 12 weeks and so far it's working for us.

4. Boppy pillow. I Breast feed and I use this pillow almost every time. It ensures that she's properly latching and that her entire body is turned towards me rather than just her head. It also gives my arms a break.

5. Diaper stations. We had one in almost every room. Great for quick changings.

6. Breast pump. I love nursing and hope to do it for a year. It's nice to be able to give a bottle every once in a while though. It's also nice to get some relief if I feel engorged, but it's not time to feed her. I have the Madela pump n style and then use Dr. Browns bottles.

7. Hand sanitizer. All day every day in every room.

8. 2 car seat bases. We have one in each car and it's so nice. One came with the carseat and we got the second at the Deal Depot in NWA for a discounted price. We also hope/plan to get 2 booster seats.

9. Camera. Yes, iPhones are handy and I take plenty of pics with mine, but having real pictures from my real camera are memories that will be great quality. Not every pic has to be posed, but we all know that camera pics are way better than phone pics.

10. A good water cup with a straw. You'll be the thirsty all the time. Don't waste water bottles. Also, we all know straws just make water easier to drink.

(And one bonus tip: Tucks, feminine wipes, stool softener, panty liners and pads. Just have a station in the bathroom. You can thank me later.)

I hope this helps any new mamas and if you're already a mama, please share your top things!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, YES!!! We have that same bath seat and love it! This post is GREAT for new mommas!!
