

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Month 3

- She stayed with Leslie (and Heather) while I got my haircut for the first time in 16 weeks!
- Started finding her thumb at 9 weeks
- Andrew kept her by himself 2 separate times in 1 day!
- She still rubs her face and the back of her head on blankets to fall asleep. Even nap times with me. She started sucking her hand and rubbing her hair or a blanket with her hand as well.
- Still very snotty and grunts a lot.
- At 9 weeks 3 days old, she had her 2 month check up. She weighed 13 lbs 11oz (90th percentile), was 23 in long (75-80th percentile), and her head was 16 in long (90th percentile). Her heart and lungs sounded perfect. Her ears and throat looked great. She got 4 vaccinations. One oral and 3 shots. Her cry was delayed, but once it started, it was so sad. It was a cry I'd never hear before (so naturally, I cried too). She continued to cry like that through the day. I could tell her legs were just sore. She took 2.5 ml or less of tylenol every 5 hours. She slept quite a bit and that night she slept 9 hours straight.
- We took lots of walks!
- We sucked a LOT of snot with the Nose Frida. Sometimes we used saline solution to help.
- Intentionally grabbed her first toy on 1/27/15. It was a hanging toy on a play mat at a friends house.
- She's spending less and less time with me holding her and more time by herself.
- She loves talking and hearing herself. I think she's trying to laugh.
- To get her to fall asleep while holding her I have to put an Aden and Anias Blanket over my shoulder and bounce even though she's grunting and trying to climb back inside my body.
- By 10 weeks, she had outgrown a lot of her clothes! Several 3 month outfits were too small.
- She now knows the bedtime routine. When we rub her with lotion she starts rubbing those eyes.
- Still wondering when her hair will thicken up on top.
- When she falls asleep on my shoulder, she raises her head, but keeps her eyes closed, and rubs her face against my cheek.
- Got her first cold/stuffy nose at 10.5 weeks. She didn't want to sleep laying flat and it really threw me for a loop that she wouldn't sleep through the night after 2.5 great weeks!
- She is way more active with her left arm.
- She is a very happy baby and loves being around people.
- Started noticing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and talking to it at 11 weeks. It keeps her entertained while I get ready!
- Started getting over her cold after 11 days (after I went to the doc to confirm it wasn't RSV or pneumonia). There's a humidifier in her room, her mattress is propped up, I used the nose frida with saline solution, and applied organic vapor rub on her feet and chest.
- No matter where she is, if she can grab an Aden and Anias blankets and rub it in her face she will eventually fall asleep.
- She wants to roll over so bad! (From back to belly)
- She doesn't love tummy time, but she tolerates it for me.
- Rolled over from belly to back on 2/10. I think her head just started falling and she rolled, but she did it.
- Meme hosted a sip-n-see for all of her friends (and some of mine) to come and meet Claire. Of course she didn't nap before the party, so she wanted to sleep during the party. 
- Started pulling her feet up like a little bear cub.
- Starting to laugh. She loves when she does it.
- She doesn't require as much sleep during the day. She usually takes a great morning nap and then cat naps during the rest of the day. We try to keep her up between her last 2 feedings.
- When laying on her belly, she will scrunch up like an inchworm over and over. This makes her rotate in a circle.
- Starting sleeping well again! So proud of her!
- Stays awake most places. I can no longer expect her to just snooze away in her car seat when we go somewhere.
- She will not take a bottle.
- She's starting to shimmy and scoot out of things, so she has to be buckled in.
- She loves her left thump.
- Started grabbing toys and blankets and bringing them to her mouth.
- Does a half roll from back to side.

- Had her first Valentine's day.
- Went to her first birthday parties.- By my calculations, she weighs 15 pounds.
- Wears 3-6 month clothes.
- Size 2 diaper
- Wakes up once during the night (sometimes twice).

(Sip and See)

(Meme and Poppi)

(First Valentine's Day photo shoot)

(Loving her play mat)

(Sweetest tooshy)

(Too big for the shirt) 

(Night after shots...)

(First time to grab)

(You can't tell, but she was screaming)

(Her big toe might be my favorite thing)

(She loves a good pattern)

(Waiting at the docs office)

(I almost let her roll off of the couch...)

(First snow)

(Her fave)

(We seriously nap like this. I'm not kidding.)

(Millie's party)

(Harlow's party)

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