

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Months 15-16

- 24.6 pounds
- Dr. Swindle said she's "tall", but I don't know measurements.
- size 4 diaper
- size 4/5 shoe
- size 18/24m clothes and a few 2 things
- 12 teeth

She loves: mini pancakes and yogurt, buttons and switches, books ("pop-up peekaboo", "five little pumpkins" and "where is baby's birthday cake"), baths, stuffed animals, being outside (mostly playing with chalk and bubbles), jumping, Mickey Mouse, playing on our bed, and singing songs

She doesn't love: stethoscopes, medicine, vegetables, being put down (when it's "time" to be held)

- We bought her a puddle jumper to swim in, which she loves. She also went under water to swim several times and kept wanting to do it more!
- She is starting to really love being outside. She runs and laughs with excitement. Her favorite thing at home is playing with the chalk, and she loves slides and stairs at parks.
- A couple of times now, after we get on to her saying "Claire! No ma'am!" She looks at us and shouts "dah" while pointing her finger. Almost like she's mimicking or getting on to us.
- She says thank you "da-doo", "uh oh" and I love you as "I-looo". We are working on "up" and "please". And "mama" of course...
- She fell while holding chalk and scraped up her finger really badly. She had to wear her first bandaid and hated it.
- She's getting more confident on a slide.
- She has done a lot more "sleeping" with mommy. Some nights, she just doesn't want to be alone!
- Turns out, she didn't want to sleep because she had an ear infection/pink eye on 2/2. It lasted for a while, even on antibiotics. The ear infection was pushing out of her eye and nose causing a lot of yucky junk.
- Nurse said she weighs 24.6 lbs.
- She's gotten good at nodding her head yes or no in response to questions.
- She babbles all the time. Her new words are "hot", "wow", "tada", "moo" ,"meme" and "mama"!!! (Though, she doesn't say mama directed towards me. She just says it.)
- She can click her tongue.
- She's already able to drive her electronic car from nana.
- She's starting to pretend play a lot more. She pretends to pour and drink tea, to dust and clean and to put soap on her hands and rub it in.
- I found some "first years" insulated straw cups. She drinks strawberry whole milk well from them.
-  Some nights she wakes up crying hysterically. It seems that she just wants me in the room standing by her crib, because picking her up makes it worse!
- We switched to 1 nap at 12/12:30 on 2/16.
- I noticed 3 teeth broke through on 2/19. 2 back teeth on top and one of the front teeth on bottom.
- She likes to pretend to fall down, but she's super cautious about it.
- She's so smart. When she sees anyone leaving or if she puts a toy down, she says "bye bye". She loves reading books and does so with inflection. She does so many things on command like sit on her bottom, dance, put things back, going to find certain people. She nods yes or no appropriately. She's starting to actually mimic (or trying to)  sounds and words we say. She knows the motions for "Itsy Bitsy spider", "bringing home baby bumble bee" and "happy and you know it" and will do them when she wants to sing.
- We went to help take care of mom after she had her appendix removed.
- She got so sick again on 2/23. She had a horrible cough, runny nose, fever, loss of appetite, and we found out another ear infection. I've never seen her so whiney and lethargic.
- Terrified of stethoscopes and the tool that checks ears.
- Knows a cat says "meow" and says it every time she sees a cat. Pointed to an owl and said "owl".
- We've taught her to put her hands under her chin and say "I'm cute".
- Says "all gone/all done" and holds her hands up.
- She had a very serious "conversation" with me that included a lot of nodding. I have no idea what she said and she got frustrated.
- She loves to apply Chapstick.
- when she wants to sing, she comes to us doing the motions. Her songs are Itsy Bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, bringing home baby bumble bee.
- When she wants to read a book, she will choose a book and walk to someone's lap to sit in and read.
- I found her summer and spring play clothes at Rhea Lana's and got her a mini trampoline and small table and chairs.
- We celebrated Andrew's birthday with his parents.
- She says, "oh wow", "toodles", "nana" (banana), "cheese". She had a certain inflection and says "doo, dō, doo!" When she's pretending to count. "Tubey" is booty.
- She likes to grab puppy, piggy, and blankies before being taken out of her crib.
- Oh, the fits. She kicks and hits and says "dō". (No)
- She loves my bare legs. She'll hug them and rub her face on them.
- 3rd ear infection plus cough/runny nose on 3/14. I'm so done.
- Dr. Swindle called her a maniac (in a nice way).
- Said "Poppi" and "papa". Took something away from Will Carter and said "no no me".
- She can almost always clap or dance to a rhythm.
- When something is "difficult" or "heavy" she grunts while doing it.
- She knows how to do "soft hands".
- She has become OBSESSED with Brody.

My sweet girl, these 2 months have been the best and the worst! You've been so sick. You've handled it incredibly well, only whining a little and cuddling a lot. We are extremely ready for these colds/coughs/ear infections to be gone. Even through all this, you have learned and grown up so much! You've started talking where we can somewhat understand what you're saying. You follow simple instructions (and sometimes purposefully don't follow them). You are my constant companion and so much fun to be around!

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