

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Since Turning One: Months 13-14

She loves: talking (even though she still doesn't say many words), playing with all toys, being tickled, remotes and phones, closing doors, yogurt and bananas, books with peekaboo flaps, her puppy, pushing buttons

She doesn't love: getting in trouble or being told "no"

- stood from a bear crawl by herself on 11/22
- Said "Santa"
- Tantrums now include some kicking and feet stomping. She throws her head back or purposefully slams it on things.
- Took 4 steps at Lolli and Papa's on Thanksgiving day! (11/26)
- Got croupe again after thanksgiving weekend. The worst night was night 5, and after that she sounded worse but slept better. The cough was almost non-existent by day 9.
- Chose to walk a lot rather than crawl at KDO on 12/3.
- 12/7 she pointed to my nose and then pointed to hers.
- Started waking up a lot again during the night.
- Had 1 year check up on 12/8.
  • 23.2 lbs (90%)
  • 30in (60%)
  • 95% head
  • Got more silver nitrate on her belly       button.
  • 5 shots and a toe prick. She no longer has low iron.
  • Got tips on weaning and diet.
- Started (middle of the night) sleep training...again. We have one very stubborn, and not so sleepy, baby girl!
- Trying to decide if she should take 1 or 2 naps. Neither are an ideal situation.
- She didn't crawl at all on 12/14.
- I think she has croupe again. Something is giving her a horrible cough! Went away using oils.
- She holds her hands a certain way when she wants to be picked up.
- She pooped all over the bathroom counter after bath time.
- Learning to dance while standing up. She always starts with her right knee.
- Starting to hate the word "no".
- She's doing so many smart things lately: She found a washcloth on the ground in the kitchen and took it to the drawer that we put them in. When I say "go show daddy" she really does go and show him. She's trying to put puzzles together and put things back when she removes them. She nods her head yes when we tell her no. She plays music on toys so that she can dance. (As of 12/25/15)
- She learned to turn in a circle. It's one of her greatest dance moves.
- We enjoyed lots of Christmas lights.
- Went to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at Cross Church. She dos really well with only a few wild moments. She loved the singing.
- Had her second Christmas at home. She got a cozy coup, Legos and jewelry from us.
- Had her first Christmas at Meme and Poppi's with the whole family!
- She can identify nose and belly button on other people.
- Doesn't eat meat (well).
- She loves pressing buttons (especially if they do something).
- Last night to nurse on 12/31. I cried knowing that I would ever get to nurse her ever again, but was happy to start weaning.
• night 1: bottle of 5oz breast milk before bed (drank it well and laid down with maybe a couple of minutes of crying).
• night 2: sippy cup of breast milk before BATH. Drank most, was a little harder to fall asleep.
• night 3: sippy cup of half breast and half whole milk. Only drank a little. I had the stomach bug, so meme put her to bed. She only cried for a short time and woke up around 10:30. Mom had to rock her a little, but she went back to sleep all night!
• night 4: offered the rest of the cup with half breast/whole milk. Didn't want much. She played and whined for around 20 minutes and was down for the night.
• night 5: She drank the last bag of 4oz of breast milk. She CHUGGED it. She really wanted to nurse, crying and pulling on my shirt when I got up from her rocking chair. She cried for a while in the crib, and then started playing with her puppy.
(After 2 weeks, she drinks Kefir/whole milk before bath, and lays down wonderfully! If she wakes up, she just needs to be rocked a little and she's all better.)
- Had a New Year celebration at the Tarvins.
- I got the stomach bug and Meme came to help. Andrew kept Claire all day Sunday and then mom took the night shift. It was my first night to sleep without her monitor in the room and it was amazing!
- Started back at KDO for 2016.
- Andrew swears she said "mama" while looking for me on 1/7.
- Started saying "uh oh".
- When Doug and Cherri came to visit, we saw her correctly ID her toes, and find Papa's eyes, ears, nose and mouth. She can also find her belly button.
- When she falls she panics. She straightens her arms and legs and spreads her fingers and has the best shocked look on her face.
- She is very independent.
- She sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating.
- She loves Itsy Bitsy Spider and wants to sing and do the motions all the time.
- (At least) 2 teeth on the back on the bottom broke through on 1/12.
 - She can blow her own nose when we hold a tissue up (sometimes).
- One of her favorite things to do is "knock us down".
- Can walk on her tip-toes, "jump" and squat.
- She's got another bad runny nose and cough. We don't really like winter.
- We joined the Boys and Girls club and have taken her to swim a couple of times. She started getting used to the water.
- I'm fairly certain that she didn't cry one time on 1/20.
- At 14 months, she weighs 23.4 pounds (roughly) and is in 18-24 month clothes, size 4 diaper, and size 3-4 shoes.

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