

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Baby Number 2 - First Trimester!

Back story: I stopped nursing Claire January 1, 2016. My doctors office suggested I start birth control for 3 months to get my cycles back on track (I had not had a period for the 13 months that I was nursing). I did just that and did have normal periods, but it made me crazy. I stopped after the 3 months (April), but we weren't ready to be pregnant. We decided in June to join a new insurance. We had to wait 30 days after that before we could conceive. I continued to have normal periods with a slightly longer cycle (30ish days) during this time. I started taking plexus and I truly think it helped to get my body on track. At the beginning of August, we were ready! I told myself not to stress and panic. No ovulation tests. No timing. I paid attention to my bodies clues and that's it. Wouldn't you know 

I had set a reminder on my phone that 8/19 would be day 30 of my cycle and therefore a safe day to test. I didn't really talk to Andrew about it. I didn't really think about it a whole lot, until the night before. I couldn't go to sleep because I was so nervous. I knew that the next morning could be a huge new journey for us, or a disappointing morning that I knew all too well from trying to conceive Claire. The song "king of the world" just kept playing in my head. "When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world? I try to take my life right out of the hands of the King of the world." My life has already been planned by my Heavenly Father. He knew when the right time would be to have our second child, and he knows who our child will be. 

I woke up at 5:30, kind of nauseous, but didn't want that to get my hopes up. I tried to go back to sleep. I knew Andrew would be up soon to go run and I didn't want him to know I took a test. If it was positive, I wanted to surprise him when he came home from work. I couldn't sleep and at 5:45, I got up to test. I sat there waiting and genuinely had a peace about me. I just decided to look at the test, and there it was POSITIVE!!!! I was so happy, couldn't contain it. Andrew woke up 1 minute later and I blurted it out!!! 

I spent the rest of the day searching for a BIG SIS tee and worrying about weather or not I was ready. God is so good. We are so thankful!! 

Curtis baby #2, due to arrive at the end of April/ beginning of May 2017. God bless and keep this child. 

8/20/16: weight 133 lbs 

- a little cramping and sore boobs
- a couple of times I've felt nauseous 
- mostly just tired and normal! 
- I cry all the time 
- Started getting very nauseous most days. No throwing up. 
- Had our 8 week prenatal appointment with Gina to discuss payment and have blood work done. I have group B strep and have to take antibiotic. 

10 weeks 10/1/17: weight 136

- I finally took a prenatal vitamin and didn't feel like I would vomit, but still have nausea. 
Psalm 86: 11-13 
Hebrews 10:23 (special verses) 

11 weeks 10/8/16: (after a small stomach bug and losing 4lbs) 135

- Big sis is sleeping better, so I'm able to take the unisom/B6 and feeling much less nauseous
- I woke up Sunday and there was absolutely a baby bump. It's usually flat in the mornings and bulging by the evenings. 
- Had our first real appointment with Dr. Hinton. 
  - blood pressure 120/80
   - heart rate 156
  - I have a bad bladder infection. The meds make me queezy. 

12 weeks: weight 133
- I'm not eating or snacking as much.
- We made our public announcement by taking a posting a sweet pic with a "baby" pumpkin 
- I've had some weird stomach and acid reflux/heartburn issues 

13 weeks:
- having some constant ache type pains in my pubic area, along with a dull cramp in my back a lot. 
- I had one horrible cramp that I had to call Andrew and ask him to come home. 

10/27 - I went to see Dr. terry for symptoms that were concerning me thinking I might have another bladder infection. Turns out it's just your normal second pregnancy discomforts. Heard the heartbeat again AND got to see our sweet baby with an ultrasound! Hands were clasped liked saying a prayer at first and then baby switched to picking it's nose! I wanted to make sure everything was ok at this appointment so that I could enjoy our Curtis family weekend getaway in Branson. 

14 weeks: weight 134 
- still have occasional nausea, but nothing horrible
- I've had a few bad evenings of heartburn
- I most definitely felt a little kick on 10/29! 
- There's certainly a baby bump!

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