

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Nursing Abigail at 3 Months

Feeding her has been the easiest thing. She latched very quickly and has continued to do well. She doesn't use nursing as a "soothing" technique like Claire did. She will only eat when she's hungry and will stop when she's full. Sometimes she fills up just from one side and will refuse the other! She doesn't want to nurse if she's really tired. She's rather have a paci, she doesn't fall asleep much while she's eating.

She typically eats in about 10-15 minutes, plays and then sleeps. On the days when she doesn't nurse from both sides we have a harder time making it to 3 hours, but if she does take both sides she can go 3+ hours! Like her sister, she doesn't take a bottle (well at least-she spits most of it out). We are going to start working on cutting out night time feedings.

My most favorite thing that she does is while she eats is to stop, look up a me, coo, and give me the BIGGEST smile. It is the absolute sweetest!!!

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