

Monday, July 27, 2015

Month 7

Claire loves: playing, her cousins, food, chewing, when dad comes home from work, TV (especially Mickey Mouse theme song)

Doesn't love: when someone walks out of the room

Big Milestones: eating a "solid" meal once a day, pulling up to her knees, rocking to crawl, clapping, she has become a super efficient nurser (only about 10 minutes now), sleeping on her belly, this month has had several occasions where she's had to be flexible with sleeping and eating and she handled them gracefully!

• Wearing 6-12 month or 9 month clothes and size 2 (or 0-6 month) shoes
• Size 3 diaper, size 4 at night
• Eats every 4 hours 4 times a day
• Waking once at night
• In bed around 9 and up around 8:30
• 2 naps at 10:30 and 3:30(ish)

- Went to Lake Degray for her first Memorial Day weekend! She met the McClains, Sims, Rountrees, Raines, and Secrests. She loved playing and talking to everyone, took a 2+ hour nap on the house boat, and liked the boat out on the water (except for when she had to wear a life jacket). She did so well for a crazy day!
- She has started becoming bashful. She turns away or lays her head to the side.
- Stared the month with a cold and a small tummy virus. She's been having many dirty diapers and she's not wanting food (other than milk). All of this is making her wake more in the night.
- After the sickness came the teething. :) She was still refusing food, biting more, runny nose, fussy, etc.
- To soothe herself in her sleep, she imaginary nurses. She sucks on her tongue.
- Sleeps on her side and is all over the place in her crib.
- Fell asleep on her tummy for the first time on 5/31 (rolled to her belly). After this, she continued to roll to the belly and sleep for a time and then wake up confused. Trying to let her figure out how to get comfy on her own.
- She is starting to discover her pointer finger.
- Practicing free sitting in the tub.
- Lover of tags.
- Starting to climb all over us and sort of pull herself up.
- Flipped out of the nap nanny (landed on her belly facing backwards-impressive).
- Survived car rides to and from Florida.
- Had her first beach vacation.
- Started mimicking sounds (specifically a grunt from Poppi).
- She is starting to reach for things and causing herself to get into the "crawling position". When there, she rocks back and forth.
- Started sucking on baby food pouches rather than having them squeezed into her mouth.
- Her hair is thickening.
-   Still just some big ol' tooth buds as of 6/10.
- She is a tummy sleeper with her booty in the air.
- She growls.
- She's starting to climb and trying to pull herself up.
- Everyone comments on how beautiful, chubby and pleasant she is. Makes me beam with pride.
- Celebrated my 27th birthday and our first night alone (without dad).
- Vacation and illnesses have messed with her sleeping schedule. I don't remember the last time she went many consecutive hours.
- She recognizes toys with faces and squeals when she sees them.
- She claps.
- She's now tried whole carrots, sweet potato, pears, turkey, Yums crackers, bread. Still doesn't care for peaches and peas.
- Starting to see a little bit of separation anxiety.
- She grabbed a remote and "talked" while pointing it toward the TV.
- Plays peek-a-boo.
- When she's trying to crawl, she falls on her belly and rolls and grunts because she wants to be back up. She rotates and pushes herself backwards.
- She lets almost anyone hold her.
- She's stating to get brave and let go of things while she's standing. She lasts a few seconds.
- Before every nap, I sing "Snuggle Puppy". She knows it and lays her head down, hugs me and gives me kisses.
- The day she turned 7 months was also Father's Day. We celebrated by watching Andrew compete in a triathlon.

Girlfriend, I'm obsessed. You are so much fun to be around. You love people watching and people love watching you (especially when you flash the gummy grin). You do the sweetest things to show me that you love me. Even if it's just resting your hand on me, I melt. I'm so proud of you. I love being with you. 7 months have passed way too fast!

(one month and 6 months)

(meeting Perri McClain)

(First time on Lake Degray.)

(McClains, Secrests, Rountrees, and Sims')

(Dr. Swindle)

(Dr. Hinton)

(Mrs. Kelly Driggers)

(the cute face)

(6 month details)

(Briar Rose for mama's birthday)

(Pulling up to her knees)

(Always tackling Amelia)

(Daddy's Father's Day triathlon)

(Amelia and Harlow)

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