

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Month 10

Claire loves: stacking rings, books about colors or one word picture books, dancing, playing chase, climbing, and touching things she's not supposed to.

She doesn't love: being put down when she wants to be held and long car rides

• 12 month clothes
• size 3/4 diapers
• size 3/4 shoes
• Nurses 3 times a day at 8, 4 and 7:30. (Occasionally during the middle of the night.)
• Eats real food or baby food at 7:30, 10:30(snack), 12, 2(snack), 5:30.

- First time to wake up with "bed head" on 8/23.
- Started throwing a ball.
- Started shaking her head "no".
- Toots stink now!
- She throws fits. She will fake cry with her mouth wide open and then slam her arms or legs down.
- Champion flyer
- She prefers her bed to sleeping anywhere else.
- cruises easily while holding onto something.
- For about 5 days in a row, she hit her head pretty significantly.
- She started making this new furrowed bro face at everyone. It's funny but also kind of rude...
- Started sleeping on her pillow.
- She had started pretend playing with us. (Mainly with food.)
- Weaned off lunchtime feeding on 8/9. First, I did 2 days of only nursing on one side. Instead of milk she gets a good lunch of protein, fruit and veggies and carb. Her afternoon naps are the only thing that's been effected.
- Started going through a Naptime sleep regression.
- Started kids day out at cross church on 9/14! They said she was amazing! She reached for the teacher, I kissed her and that was that. She played with others, rode a wagon to gym to play with balls and then music. She ate a good lunch and then NAPPED FOR AN HOUR!!! I got to watch an entire sappy movie and cleaned some areas that are hard to get when she's here.
- Top front left tooth broke through on 9/15.
- Now waves on purpose and expectantly for hi and bye bye. Her wave is now opening and closing her fingers.
- She claps for herself.
- Got another diarrhea bug.
- Starting talking more with different tones, but still only says "dada". She also started this panting taking.
- Got her first busted lip on 9/18 and we don't know how. She didn't cry o just noticed it was bleeding.
- Naps went back down to an hour or hour and a half.
- She points at things.
- When asked about an elephant, she either raises her arm or spits and for a tiger she grunts/growls.
- She says "hi" when she sees people, but never on demand.
- Shakes her head no when we say "no no".

Girlfriend, you are "miss thang". This month I feel like everyone has been talking about your personality. You go from a big smile to that furrowed brow in seconds, and you love when it makes people laugh. I'm so proud of how easily you go to others and make friends. I hope you are always able to step boldly into new situations. This month went by the fastest and it makes me sad because we are creeping on your first birthday! I love you!

(9 month pictures)

In one of her favorite spots wearing my favorite pajamas. 

One of 5 times she's touched Brody. 

Bed head

The lip

Bath time with Kelly Anne.

Riding through the airport.

In Calhoun with Annie.

Plane ride home. 

First injury - bonked her head on the table.

Sweet sleeper. 

KDO open house

Mt. Sequoyah 

Helping daddy

Taco's 4 Life opening.


"Tiny" hiny 

Breakfast picnic

3 teeth!

Meeting Hudson Moix

First Tailgate

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