

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Nursing at 12 Months

We made it one year! I have treasured every second that I've spent nursing this child of mine. It has been my honor and privilege to nourish her for her first year.

But...I'm ready to be done.

Now, we only nurse at bedtime. We do the same routine as always with bath, lotion, PJs. Now that she only nurses at night, she rarely wants a story. She practically rips at my shirt trying to make contact. She eats for around 30 minutes, falls asleep, and I lay her down. She still loves nursing and rubs my chest while she eats. Sometimes she stays awake and talks to me. Sometimes she can't sit still. Sometimes she bites...

About 2 weeks ago (soon after her first birthday) I stopped offering to nurse if she woke up in the middle of the night. Tongue doc said that at 1, there is no nutritional value to nursing during the night. It's just habit. She chose at that point to wake up every night, multiple times. She would scream at me, hit me and tug on my shirt. After a while she would finally fall asleep on my shoulder while i was standing and bouncing her- just like I did when she was a newborn. Sometimes I could lay her back down easily. Sometimes she just started screaming again. I told myself I'd go in once a night to try soothing, check and make sure everything was ok, and offer water. After that I'd let her cry it out. And cry she did.

Hi, my name is Meredith, and I'm Claire's pacifier.

After 2 rough weeks with that transition, she's doing much better at night. She might wake occasionally, but doesn't expect milk anymore. After we get back from Christmas travels, I plan to wean completely. First by only nursing on one side at bedtime and then none. I'll offer some other form of liquid for her to drink of she so chooses. I also think she will go spend a night or 2 at my parents.

Nursing is wonderful and beautiful, but o truly feel like we've reached our limit. I am hoping that this next transition and phase is smooth and wonderful!

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