

Sunday, September 14, 2014

29 Weeks and a few thoughts on Labor and Delivery

29 weeks on 9/11/14
- I had my school shower and it was wonderful! More to come about that later on.
- Doug and Cherri came for the weekend to come to the shower, and put down new baseboard trim (which makes our house look brand new) and molding around the kitchen! Yes!
- I am DONE with the kindergarten classroom!!!! Now I need to be motivated to sub more in other rooms or areas.
- We went to a razorback game with Matt and Lyndsy. We had a blast, but I was feeling the walk to and from the top of the stadium.
- The bad pain at the top of my belly is back.
- Sunday mornings are for church and swelling. I don't know what it is, but even before I was pregnant my fingers would swell on Sunday morning.
- Got a frame and painted a frame and lamp for her room. ✔️
- Heartrate was 146, and Dr. Terry said that I was doing "above average". That makes this mama feel good.
- Started a Tuesday bible study with Kaitlyn and Leslie. We went walking first and then headed to the church.
- Subbed in the office.
- Finished almost all of my school thank you notes.
- She moved more on 9/10/14 than ever before!

Dr. Terry had some interesting information about me getting an epidural. First I need to say that I am NOT against it! My goal was just to see how far I could get before getting one and seeing if I could go all the way. I have 2 friends that had great deliveries completely medication free. I also have many more friends and family that have had wonderful experiences with an epidural. I think it's from the struggle of getting pregnant, but I just want to make sure that I feel and experience the pressure of child birth. I don't want to wish it away. No matter how much it sucks (and I KNOOOOOOOWWWWW it's going to hurt - bad). With all of this being said, I'm taking Dr. Terry's advice. Of course he gave me the spill about "you're not going to win medals for doing this naturally, blah blah blah." What I learned from his information is that if I wait too long and then decide all of a sudden that I want one, it could take hours to get it. The anesthesiologist is not on call like doctors and gets held up a lot of times. Also, if I don't have an epidural and then I am rushed to have a c-section, they will have to put me to sleep. Which means that I couldn't see my baby the second she enters the world. Also, if I'm put to sleep, Andrew can't even be in there. That would be absolutely devastating!!!!  SO, I'm leaving this up to The Lord. I really do want to feel this. Please know that I KNOW it's going to hurt. There's nothing you can tell me about the pain that my friends and family haven't told me. I want to feel the labor, make it to the hospital to labor some more, and get an epidural. Making sure that I can see my baby the moment she enters the world is waaaaaay more important to me than making sure I feel labor pains. So there. Babbling done.

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