

Sunday, September 21, 2014

30 Weeks

Holy toledo! We are in the fiiiiiinal cooouuuntdooooown. Sometimes I think about have 10 weeks left and wonder how in the world I can wait that long. Then I think about being 20 weeks…that was 10 weeks ago, and it feels like yesterday. I am just so happy that I am getting close to meeting my most favorite blessing ever!

30 weeks on 9/18/14
- I got to see her! Les, Heather, and Kaitlyn came with me. Claire was pretty uncooperative for the pics, but I learned that she's growing and healthy and got a few good shots!
- Her head is down in my cervix and her booty is straight up. Her legs wrap around to the right.
- Her head is measuring pretty big width wise. Awesome.
- I think Dawna said that she's measuring a few days ahead, but I can't remember.
- She weighs 3lb 8oz. Dawna said that's the 55th percentile. Perfection.
- She had some hair!
- She was resting her hand on her cheek and it was adorable.
- Bought her some bows for the first time! So fun!
- Had a little spotting, but no cramping. I called the after hours clinic and they said as long as it didn't happen again within 24 hours, everything should be fine.
- Got some goodies at the Rhea Lana's "mom to be sale"! Jamie went with me.
- Bad insomnia!
- Marathon week of pictures! It's my last week before sending off my camera in hopes of getting it back in time for Claire! 7 sessions in a week span!
- Because of all the photo sessions, I'm doing a lot of up/down, cross, lean, stretch type movements. I think it's wearing on my back. Bless it. Also, right this second, I'm experiencing a kind of pinch in the pubic or cervix area. Stop that.
- Maria at the Walmart told me that I'm pretty low and she thinks the baby will come 2 weeks early.
- Gained 15 pounds
- Went to Russellville. Had a wonderful egg roll salad for lunch with my mama! I also got a haircut and a pedi from Heather. She's worth the drive down.
- Got some stuff for Claire's bookshelf.
- I curse the day that I read about monitoring fetal kicks. When she doesn't kick every few minutes, I panic. Ridiculous.
- I subbed in 3rd grade!

Just for fun, this is the change that can happen in 10 weeks time. 40 weeks should be interesting. :) 

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