

Monday, September 4, 2017

Top 10 at 2 Years Old

1. A well kept stash of her favorite (healthy) snack. If she's had junk all day, I know she will eat these and still get a little "goodness". For us- fruit/veggie pouches. 

2. Toys! Play doh and accessories. It has kept us entertained for weeks! Baby dolls. Kitchen. Slide. She loves mini figurines. 

3. Warm play shoes and clothes. We go with the ugg-type boots. She can run and play, they slide on and they're super warm. She's got some thicker cotton pants, long sleeved sweaters, and a good thick coat. (Or cool and water proof like Nativ shoes or Keens and cottons clothes.) 

4. A fun indoor place to go to play. We prefer Imagine in johnson. It's super affordable and doesn't take forever to get there. We also did a month at The Little Gym and SHE LOVED IT!  The Amazeum is a little too far. 

5. Colorful bath fizzies. They're at Walmart and they make baths so fun. 

6. A double tiered step stool. We finally found one and she can finally reach the sink by herself! 

7. Potty training supplies! Candy(suckers), stickers, small potty, big potty insert seat, extra undies, flushable wipes, and lots and lots of time ðŸ˜¬

8. iPad with educational apps. I have no problem with technology time. I do, however, put a lot of time and effort into finding apps and things to download. She learns more from the technology than she does from me a lot of times (it's actually taught her imaginative play)! It also comes in VERY handy when we are out in public somewhere and it's not a situation we can leave. Yes, if she starts acting up, I offer the iPad. I'd rather her match letters to make words or listen to people singing and counting that scream in front of 100 witnesses. 

9. Vitamins and allergy meds. They've been our best friends. (And elderberry syrup)

10. PATIENCE!!!!!

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