

Monday, September 4, 2017

Claire's 3rd Winter

- She likes to call things shewy (like shewy trash) that she finds on the ground. 
- When she's nervous to do something she clings and says "mama/daddy I got you" in a super hesitant voice.
- She willingly lays her head back in the water, and puts her face in the water. 
- She can put together puzzles! 
- She loves to take toys to bed with her. 
- She loves looking at lights, finding stars and the moon, and talking about helicopters and airplanes, and cooking "lunch"
- Her favorite games are chase, tickle fight, spinning, and hiding in the bed = "where are you?". 
- She has taken a turn and become obsessed with her babies. We talk about them and play with them a lot. 
- In response to questions and statements she will say "yeah" repetitively and louder and louder until you acknowledge. 
- She's into licking right now...
- Outside is still her favorite. 
- She still doesn't talk perfectly clear, but her recall is amazing! We had corn casserole at a meal and later she started talking about the "yummy roll". We asked her what color the corn casserole was and she quickly replied "yellow". She loves identifying things!
- Her retell is also amazing! Last night she told me "pee pee, daddy "yay", candy, thank you!" Meaning: I went pee pee, daddy said "yay" and gave me candy. I told him "thank you"! 
- She is doing well going pee pee on the potty for candy. About to start official potty training. 
- She got her bottom back left 2 year molar 12/22/16 and the top back left on 12/27. 2 years and 1 month. 
- Started potty training on 1/2/17. Info on its own post! 
- She still cant count, but she can keep Rhythm! On an episode of Mickey Mouse, Pete says "1,2,1-2-3" and she will copy the beat but say "2,9,2-9-2". 
- She likes to scare and be scared. 
- She asks "you k, daddy" or "I got you, mommy" a lot. 
- Any time she wants to ride something she says "ride car ride car". For example, Andrew was on his bike and she said "daddy ride car bike". 
- Right now at bedtime, she likes for each of us to have our own book to look at. She even makes Brody lay down so that she can open the book for him and tells him to read it. 
- Her new word to use is "everybody" 
- Starting to put sentences together. 
- Obsessed with singing "happy birthday" (she says Happy Annie) and "the finger song" (daddy finger, daddy finger...). She says "daddy, daddy, where are you, here it is."
- She's over using the /h/ sound, but it's adorable. "Yummy hupper", "I see ho-Ana", "daddy's homing". 
- We went to our first real big movie to see Moana. She did great, but didn't last the whole movie. 
- She's just THE SWEETEST!!! 
- She's beginning to understand different days. She repeated for 2 weeks straight "Papa coming Friday". 
- We came to stay at meme and poppi' some weekend. We had "big sister" photos and video taken and she got her first real hair cut! A significant amount was cut off in the back to give it some shape, but she has a sweet little bob now! 
- She says "I love you" all on her own now! 
- If I brag on her, the thing I was bragging on not happening, will happen within a day. 
- She calls the Little Gym (gymnastics) na-kikik and lists what she does there in a very specific list tone. She says "I play, and swing, and flip, and jump, and ball."
- She's starting to get in trouble other places for being rough and "mean". 
- New things she's saying "a-back a-me" (give it back to me), "err much" (said after "thank you" or "I love you" and means "very much"), "come play", "bo bo move!", "mama hook (look)", "I'm dizzy"
- She has started actually playing with friends. 
  • She told me that she needed to poop and ACTUALLY POOPED on the potty on 2/27! 
  • She did her first character assignment while playing. Brody was Pluto, mama was Minnie and she was Mickey!
  • mastered the art of "being cute" to try to get out of trouble. 
  • Speaking of trouble...she's getting into a lot of it. The over use of the word "mine" and phrase "no mama no" while she sways at me is doing me in! 
  • She's picking up so many new phrases I can't keep up!! 
  • A few words she started saying correctly: Mickey, Pluto, daisy, pizza, Elsa, Rapunzel, rider (Flynn rider), ice cream cone (which I tried to get her to go back to saying Ninnie and she did) , One, burger, purple, Aladdin, bubble, kitchen 
  • She got bronchiolitis mid February and something similar again at the beginning of march. (It only required the inhaler for 10 days and the fever reducer. Day 3 was the worst.) 
  • 2 of our favorite things she says right now are "a-gee mama/daddy" (for again) and "what _____ haaaaaaay?" (what does ______ say?)
  • She finally counted to 3! Woo hoo! 
  • I was rocking her and she whispered "mama, where babby?" She lifted my shirt and rubbed my belly and whispered "there it is!" Melted. Then the next night she pat my cheek and very softly whispered "I love you mama". 
  • She's becoming more affectionate with friends. She will willingly hug and hold hands and tell them she loves them. 
  • extremely possessive 
  • A few favorite foods: taco soup, cereal with milk, apples, fruit snacks

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