

Monday, September 4, 2017

For Claire: Your last days as our only baby girl

I am so thankful for you, Claire Avery. I pray that I've never taken a single second with you for granted. You'll never remember what it was like to have me all to yourself, but these are 2.5 years that I will NEVER forget. We do everything together. You're my best little pal! I'm so thankful that the Lord gave you to us. You've taught us to love unconditionally, be patient, not compare, enjoy the small things, put away technology and enjoy the moment, and a deeper understanding of how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father because he loves us much more than we love you (and sometimes I feel like I could explode I love you so much)! I'm grateful for every day I've spent with you. I'm excited to start our new phase with you as my best BIG girl! I pray that you feel loved in a new way with a new role, and that you never feel less valued. My heart is still yours, but now it's grown to love your baby sister, too! I hope we all learn to have the best time together. You and Abigail are going to be each other's confidants. You're going to fight and you're going to play and I'm going to try my best to enjoy it all! I know that you'll be a great leader and example for your baby sister! 

I'm so proud of you, and I love you! 

**on your very last day without a baby sister, April 30, 2017, I got you out of bed and we talked, and snuggled and ate breakfast. We played and played in the playroom. We went to church where you could see Tessa and Enoch, eat a Donut, and "sing Jesus". We went out to eat with church friends, you prayed for our table ðŸ™‚ and then enjoyed pizza and ice cream for lunch. We came home and you took a fantastic nap! You didn't want me to get you out of the bed! We made shadows, you played in daddy's car, and we played some more in the playroom. You held daddy's legs while he checked the air filter. Meme and Poppi were up here by dinner time, and you were all eyes for them! We had burritos, rice, beans and chips and salsa. You ate a great supper and played some more while watching Moana! Daddy and I gave you your bath and you were so sweet and talkative. We talked a little bit about Abby coming tomorrow, but you were mostly excited that Lolly and Papa are coming! We took our last "family of 3" picture, and then read books. We read "I am a big sister" and for the FIRST TIME you were interested in it and we talked about you being a big sister to Abigail. I hugged you and kissed you and told you how much I love you. I started to get sad, but accidentally poked your eye and you got on to me! It was a great day! 

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