

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


This is the last post that I ever wrote concerning me NOT having a baby. It was like the Lord finally got through to me on this day. The world does not revolve around Meredith Curtis (as much as I wish it did…kidding). 

I found out this week that two more very dear friends are expecting. It's to be expected to hear this news now. I am so happy for them, but I had a pitty party in the shower...

I've made it a habit to always listen to praise and worship music in the shower and while I'm getting ready because that's my "quiet time". While I was having my pitty party during my quiet time I tried to tell myself "I understand why this is happening. Thank you for giving these friends a baby and not me. You're not ready for me to be a mama and you need me to do something else, but I don't know what." The tears flowed. They do every shower.

Right then a song came on that I have never heard and it kept repeating "the pain you're feeling now is nothing compared to the joy that's coming." Please lord, let me remember those words! My joy is coming!

My JOY did come! It came on April 4th, 2014!!! (Next post about this day.)

Also, today my friend Jamie sent me this picture of a book she is reading. I thought this line applied perfectly to this post, "We will thank Him for the prayers He did answer. We'll also thank Him for the prayers He didn't answer because we'll finally understand why. And we'll thank Him for the answered prayers we weren't even aware of." - Praying Circles Around the Lives of Your Children

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