

Sunday, June 29, 2014

First Trimester

(April 4th - May 29th)
It was awesome, and it was over in a flash! Our weekly turnover day is Thursday, and I started trying to take a picture around every Thursday. I've been so fortunate to not be sick. Don't get me wrong, things made me gag, and certain things sounded good when others didn't, but never once has vomit come out of my mouth...can I get a hallelujah! I'm not great at throwing up. It makes me panic. I'm so thankful that The Lord knew that.

The pregnancy was mostly a secret during this time. Very few people knew, but I'm so happy that some people were in "the know" for me to talk to about questions I had (like cramping...who knew you still had those when you got pregnant?!). I had 2 doctors appointments during this trimester and no ultrasounds except for the one that found the babe. By week 11 the family was starting to get anxious about our public announcement. I don't know how much longer they could have kept the secret. Everyone knew about the baby on May 15, 2014 (the day before our 5th anniversary) because we posted a pic on Facebook. Don't you just love how social media is the vessel for all people to know your business?! *Side note: I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I really do love keeping up with others and letting friends know what's going on in our lives, but I hate that there is so MUCH on Facebook and that's what I count on to alert people of new and exciting news…but I can't stop.** After our public announcement we both went to work and told or talked to the people we work with about the baby. I walked into school that morning and one of my sweet students, Austin, said (pointing his finger), "Everyone look at Mrs. Curtis! There's a baby growing in her tummy!" The class was so amazed! Then they heard I wasn't coming back and there were 2 rumors going around the first grade playground, 1: the baby got me fired. 2: the baby got me "retired". I explained to them how it really happened, so hopefully no more confusion. I turned in my letter of resignation on May 16th. It was tough, but I have no doubts that I'm doing the right thing for our family.

My sweet Tessa was most enthralled with the baby. Every day, multiple times a day, she would come up and touch my belly. She had a routine of questions that she would ask like, "Is the baby still in there?" "Is he (she thinks boy) kicking you?" "Is he about to come out?" ...and so on. Loved it. Macee was the other child that was very interested in the baby and she would be the first to say "everyone be quiet or you'll upset the baby!" Bless her.

Another thing I want to remember about my class is that before we knew about the pregnancy,they were starting to get very concerned about why I wasn't a mom. A lot of times they would ask me where MY kids were and I would say "you're my only kids" and their minds were BLOWN. They didn't know how one could be a teacher without having kids at home! They kept asking why and when (thankfully they NEVER asked "how"). One day, Cyniah got off on a huge tangent about me really having 25 babies. I had to slow her down on that one! I never talked about my desire to have kids with my class. I just love a child's intuition! They could tell I needed to be a mom to someone - or 25 someone's

4/5/14 (6 weeks): Made a funny Brody video to tell the Mcginty's. Used the helium talk app and he said "Hey Matt, Lyndsy, Ethan and Macy, we have an announcement to make! Mer Mer and Andrew are having a baby!!!!!" Lyndsy called right away! She's so excited to be an aunt (again)!

4/6/14: Made another Brody video to send to Matt and Kristi. "Hey Matt and kristi! You get to be an uncle and an aunt again!" Called Mark. Then Katie called. Mom and dad came up and took us out to dinner. Andrew called nana.

4/7/14: After school, I went to watch Andrew get sworn in at the courthouse. Several of his coworkers went as well. After that, nurse Amy called and said my progesterone was low (maybe like a 12-15 and they want a 20??). I started a progesterone suppository that night and will do this until 12 weeks. The baby lives in progesterone until the placenta completely takes over. The nurse assured me that it was nothing to panic over.

4/8/14: Went out with friends to celebrate Andrew's Bar passing and swearing in. 

Had some cramping. Sometimes stronger than others. I've talked to several people - nurses included - and it's all fine as long as there's no spotting. It could be from the ultrasound, progesterone, or the baby/placenta really attaching and growing in the uterus.

4/10/14: (7 weeks!) I'm hungry, and my boobs hurt! No weight gain. 
Favorite Foods: water, nut-things, breakfast bars, almonds, applesauce, PB crackers, fruit strips...

4/14/14: For the past few days, I've had a really hard time grasping the fact that I am, indeed, pregnant. To type the word is mind boggling to me! It's hard to realize the fact because I don't feel ANYTHING! (I know, I should rejoice!) Besides the occasional hunger nausea (it only happens when I get waaaaay too hungry) and my boobs hurting, life doesn't seem much different. If you know me, you know that I have stomach issues and when I start to feel hungry, I have to eat immediately to prevent this crazy bloating that happens, so the hunger nausea doesn't seem any different than that. Also, home girl loves to sleep. I have since I was little. You give me some free time, and I'm going to sleep. So, I don't feel different in that aspect either. ALLLL this to say, I selfishly needed some assurance tonight. I know that I should (and do) trust The Lord to keep this pregnancy safe and secure, but I needed something to remind me one more time. I took my first ever POSITIVE home pregnancy test. I've taken probably 50+ negative ones. It felt so good to see the positive sign and it helped to calm my anxiety, "my baby is still there and doing well!" I took the typical picture of that sweet/disgusting peed on stick. I now have 2 favorite pictures on my phone and camera. The ultrasound picture of my precious little blueberry and the positive test. I will cherish the memories of both for the rest of my life!
"Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen everyday!" - a quote my mom sent me before we ever knew.

- so far I haven't really craved anything sweet which is strange for me! I usually always need dessert, but by the time I get to the end of the meal I am too full to think of anything else going into my stomach! I'm not even eating that much! Maybe I won't be a glutton this entire pregnancy like I always thought I would be!

4/15/14: I am so thankful to not have any food aversions or cravings! Sometimes a meal will pop into my head and I make up my mind that THAT is what I want to eat, but it's nothing crazy. The one problem I have had with food is the last bite. I can be enjoying something so much while eating (currently a banana), but once I get to that last bite(s) I just can't finish it! That's probably a good thing and will keep me from over eating!

4/16/14: Cramping a lot today!

4/17/14: (8 weeks!)
Praying for peace, comfort and assurance for friends that last their baby recently. 

4/19/14: yard work day! It was a doozy! Started at 10:30 am and finished around 6:30 pm. Uhg. (I've lost weight.)

4/20/14: Hardest day so far! Everything hurts after doing yard work. Didn't sleep much last night and was up to soak in the tub at 5:00 am. Taken 4 Tylenol (only 2 every 4 hours) by 5:30. Threw up (actually dry heaved) for the first time. Had diarrhea after. Slept a whole lot with a heating pad during the day. Seth and Heather came over for Easter lunch! Ended the day with 100.3 temp - stomach bug.

4/21/14: Stayed home from work, soreness is gone but my stomach is upset. Multiple episodes and I can't eat anything! Temp back up to 99.3 around 5. Went to bed with horrible ache in my stomach, but couldn't force anything out.

4/22/14: Finally woke up at 6:30 with some relief! Took 1 anti diarrhea pill after. Tried to go back to sleep. (More weight loss.)
It's appointment day!!!!

4/30/14: Tomorrow is 10 weeks. TEN! I'm so happy my heart might explode! At the prenatal appointment, Nurse Gina was very helpful and informative. She asked about any symptoms and health concerns. I got to tell her about my gas bubble probs and she assured me that the bloating will only get worse (it's true). She put me at ease that I wasn't feeling all that nauseous. She told me some things that help when I am feeling queasy and it's been helping (jolly ranchers, eat every 2 hours, carbs, water and Gatorade, and anything citrus-y)! She did go ahead and send a perscription for Zophran to the pharmacy- just in case. I ended up taking it the day after my appointment, which was also the first day post stomach bug. I hadn't eaten in 3 days and didn't want to feel nauseous when I finally did eat! It helped, and I had a great day! I haven't taken it since though. We also cleared up our insurance and talked to them about what we need to do when we switch to Andrew's policy in August. The answer is pay 2 deductibles  I don't even care. I get a baby! To update on symptoms in the last week, I'll start by saying, "what symptoms?" I think I might have hit the mark where they are mostly gone. I'm always tired, and I know that will never go away-for the rest of my life. I haven't felt extremely nauseous in a while. It did happen one morning when I waiting too long to eat breakfast. The bloat (and gas) is unreal. I should be a test subject for someone because they would be amazed. I am now only getting up once in the night to pee, but anytime I use the restroom it's quite a lot. No constipation! As I said to nurse Gina, "this girl likes to stay regular!" True story. Tummy started to feel pretty tight this week, like I can't suck it in if I tried. I know I'm not showing yet, I won't be that person, but I can personally tell that my uterus is taking up more room..if you know what I mean. I don't have cravings 24/7, but when it's meal time, and I think of something, I have to have it. Now. Like: mom's salsa and Chinese salad, sonic chicken sandwich, green submarine bang pow chicken sandwich, poppyseed chicken (I have a thing for chicken), and fruit. I so desperately want a seafood and crab sandwich from subway and I can't have it. It'll be hard, but I will get through it. What can I not have anymore that seems strange, you ask? Sweets. Don't want them. I couldn't even finish a Reese's egg y'all. Couldn't finish it. I also didn't care for a brownie that I had today. What do I LOOOOOVE now that I didn't before? Orange. Juice. Give it to me.

5/2/14: Week 10 started with a bang! I had my first official morning sickness (but no throw up). Not fun, but also a great reminder! I took Zophran yesterday morning, drank orange juice and sucked a jolly rancher to help the nausea and was fine for the day. I ended up taking another Zophran at bed time because nausea was coming back and I wanted to get a good sleep. I woke up at 3 to use the restroom and had to snack on a few (gluten free nut thin) crackers. Last night, I went to Rhea Lana's half price sale with Michelle Gooch. That girl can find some good stuff! I got 4 gender neutral, super sweet, newborn onesies. One boy and girl outfit for next summer (they were $1.75 each). For me, I got 2 pairs of maternity khaki shorts, and a canopy car seat cover (for $4)! I exercised for the first time in a loooooooong time 2 days ago. I walked at an incline, did lunges and squats and bicep and tricep (light) weight lifting. My legs feel like someone hit them up and down with a hammer. I should exercise more....maybe.

5/4/14: 10 weeks, 3 days and still can't eat much. Weighed this morning and I'm down several pounds.

5/6/14: I've got my appetite back! After several days of not eating, it feels good to be back. Exhaustion has hit full force! It could be that I'm tired of school... My sweet mother has planted the bug in my brain that it might still be twins. Now she's got me all excited, but I'm mostly just excited to hear a strong heartbeat tomorrow (no matter how many there are)! Yesterday, I felt like a pregnant person. My belly was so tight, but a good tight. Today, I feel like a gas bubble. I had some DP (in a glass bottle so it was super bubbly) and I can feel the difference between the 2! It probably seems weird to you, but I love knowing what days are "baby". :)

I've gotten the chance to tell all (or most) of our close friends and family by this point. There were just some people that I didn't want to find out over social media!

5/14/14: It's my 12th week!!!!! I can't wait to make our big announcement about our sweet babe! Last Wednesday, we heard the sweetest sound there ever was...a 160/161 bpm heartbeat (just one)! It didn't take long at all to find it and it was so strong. We videoed it so we can listen all the time. Andrew got sworn in at the Arkansas Supreme Court on Friday and then we spent the weekend with his family. It was the first time to see the Mcginty's and Nana since finding out about the baby, and we had a great weekend. Unfortunately, I got my first batch of headaches and had to try and sleep it off and then take Tylenol. Yesterday and today, I have woken up with the nausea back. I love it, but I hope that goes away soon!

5/15/14: We made the official announcement to everyone that we are expecting!

5/21/14: (12 weeks, 6 days) It's been a crazy few weeks! Last weekend, we had family in town to watch Andrew graduate and we hosted a celebratory dinner at our house for family and friends. We had about 20 people in the house! Yesterday, Leslie had sweet Amelia! I made it to the hospital right after she was born and was able to hear her cry. That girl was 9lbs 8oz and 22in!!!! Leslie was a trooper and only pushed for 20 minutes! My sweet mom was quick to remind me that my delivery will probably not go so smoothly...thanks? Today, we got to really see our sweet baby. Dawna Jones (Macee's mom) let us come in for a scan! She showed us profiles, front of the face, spine, ribs, arms and legs, stomach, kidneys, brain, and all four chambers of the heart! We also got to watch the nugget move around like a wild person! Legs and arms were flailing, baby was sitting cris cross applesauce with feet pointing down into my cervix. I've had to start wearing SOME maternity pants. :)

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